Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to Mxreska, because if it weren't for him/her, then this story wouldn't be published!

Pic above is Akira, just imagine her as eleven years old—->


"In a land, far, far away, lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of 17 million, and a place filled with magic! Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace, for most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and they have devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But there is a certain guild in a certain town that soars high above the rest, one from which countless legends have been born... a guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name... is Fairy Tail."


Akira's P. O. V:

My pink eyes sparkle as I walk down the street to a very familiar building, my long black cloak swishing around my feet as I walked. Beside me, is my pink furred female cat companion, Momo, who is also wearing the same type of cloak, the hoods pulled up to cover our faces. I also carry a pink backpack printed with white cat paws on my bag that holds both our stuff.

Not too far ahead of us is a big colourful building with a sign above its closed double doors, that has a girl with long flowing hair, wearing a dress and wings protruding from her back at either end.

The sign reads:


Our home.

"It's been about six months since we've left

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"It's been about six months since we've left. I wonder how much has changed...?" I wonder aloud.

Momo replies, "Knowing how things were when we left, I'd say not much."

I feel Momo grin as I laugh. A breeze blows through the street, rustling our cloaks.

I say, "Yeah, you're probably right!"

I'm looking forward to seeing our friends again, after so long! I've missed them all so much, but there's one person in particular whom I've missed the most:

Erza Scarlet, also known as Titania. She and I are like sisters, though we're not related at all. She and I are very close, I see Erza as an older sister.

We soon reach the double doors of the guild hall. I place both my hands, which are concealed in pink fingerless forearm length gloves, against the doors and push them open. A loud squeak meets my ears, causing the loud cheerful ruckus inside to die down as everyone turns their heads to us, curiosity in their features.

Book 1: Fragments of Crystal (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now