Chapter 33

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Pic above is Evergreen—->

Akira's P. O. V:

Evergreen attacks Erza and I with the same spell as before, but we manage to jump back and avoid it. Evergreen chuckles as she leaps back. Erza and I jump into the air, and Erza summons two swords. She slashed them at Evergreen, but she manages to dodge. When Erza leaps away, her attacks had literally cut clean through a metal water tower behind Evergreen.

I land on a Crystal Platform and summon my crystal bow. Knocking four arrows in, I aim the bow at the honey brown haired woman, squinting my right eye closed as I grip the string in my left hand. She smirks back at me. I release the arrows and they fly at the Thunder Legion member, right on course.

Just when I thought they'd hit their target, Evergreen flies out of the way, dodging each of the arrows. Evergreen lands on a rooftop across from Erza and I. She says to the both of us, "We've got a score to settle!"

"You've saved us the trouble of hunting you down, I suppose," I respond smoothly. Evergreen's light green Fairy Tail symbol is placed atop her right breast. I add as I knock four more arrows in my bow as we launch ourselves at Evergreen, swords gripped backwards in the redhead's hands, "THE SOONER WE DEFEAT YOU, THE SOONER THE OTHERS WILL BE TIRNED BACK!!"

Lifting her left hand to her white rimmed rectangular glasses, Evergreen utters, "Aren't you two confident..." She pulls up her glasses and her eyes flash gold. The blue eyed woman smiles.

I immediately snap my eyes closed and feel for her magic signature. Erza yells as she closes her left eye, the both of us still going forward, "That won't work!! HA!!" Erza sweeps her right sword across but Evergreen performs a backhand spring. I feel that she's not on the ground anymore.

Evergreen mocks, "So the heinous artificial eye actually worked in your favour? Then, let's see how you two like my Fairy Machine Gun... Leprechaun!!"

We hit the rooftop and we reopen our eyes. I sensed for Evergreen's vibration as Erza and I dodge to avoid the needles of magic power. While Erza slashes away some of the needles, I knock them out of the air by releasing my arrows.

Erza and I loom in front of Evergreen. Erza slashes with her right sword but the Thunder Legion member leaps into the air. I release two arrows at her at high speeds. Evergreen dodges then again and leaps into the air. She throws out her left hand and releases more of the needles.

"Try again!" She calls tauntingly.

Erza and I leap into the air, gritting our teeth. "Coward!!" We Both shout after her. Evergreen continues to fly away from us. She spins in midair and releases more needles. The requip mage and I land on the roof briefly before leaping up again. We leap across a couple of rooftops before running across one towards Evergreen. She flies a couple of metres in the air above us.

When Evergreen unleashes more needles, I release my crystal bow and change it up for two of my Crystal Katanas. Erza and I slash away at the needles as we pursue Evergreen.

She calls back to us over her shoulder, smirking, "You're both quite adept at deflecting my thorns, aren't you? But I'm just getting started!" Evergreen turns around and raises herself a little higher. Her body glows a little brighter with magic power as she asks us, "I wonder... Can you handle twice as many?"

The thorns shoot at Erza and I and we slash at them with our swords. A thorn grazes the inside of Erza's right wrist and just above her left knee. A thorn grazes my left arm, halfway to my elbow, and the second scraped my right side.

Evergreen laughs in triumph. She declares, "From this day forth, I shall be known as Titania, for I am the true Fairy Queen!"

Erza and I summon two more swords and grip them in between our toes as we remove our shoes and leap into the air. With grunts, we swing our legs in slashing movements and slash away more thorns. It had taken a couple more years before I was able to master this sword fighting technique; Erza had helped teach me how to do it. She was astonished that I was able to fight with my swords like this.

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