Chapter 53

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Pic is Sakura Village (I didn't draw it, just found it on Google Images)—->

Akira's P. O. V:

Two days later....

For the past two days of travel, I'd barely spoken to anyone. My mind was still so focused on the thought of returning home after so long. Behind me, Natsu starts complaining, "Uuugghh! It's been three days! Are we almost there yet?"

"For the last time, Natsu, yes! Now, stop complaining," Lucy snaps, getting tired of hearing him complain. "Master did say that it would take us three days to get to Sakura Village from Rose Garden."

"I know, but I just wanna get there!"

"Shut up, Flame Brain!" Gray snaps in annoyance.

"What'd you say, Ice Princess?!"

"You heard me. We're all tired of hearing you complaining." At that, Natsu and Gray bash their heads together, glaring daggers at one another.

"You wanna go, Droopy Eyes?!" Natsu challenges.

"I'll take you you on, Squinty Eyes!" Gray says in agreement, and at that moment, they get into yet another fight. I feel a sweat drop form on the back of my head.

"There they go again," Lucy mumbles.

"Aye," Happy says in agreement.

Natsu's and Gray's fight ensues. I pause when I see a hill up ahead, trees on either side of it, the sun setting beyond it. Everyone else stops and looks at me quizzically. Lucy asks, "Aki-chan? What is it?"

I didn't answer; instead, I rush up the hill, Momo quickly following behind me, and we stop at the top. I hear the others hurry after us. Lucy, Wendy, Erza and Charlele gasp as they take in the beautiful sight of Sakura Village below, the setting sun seeming to cast rainbow colours over the village.

 Lucy, Wendy, Erza and Charlele gasp as they take in the beautiful sight of Sakura Village below, the setting sun seeming to cast rainbow colours over the village

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(What their view looks like—>)

"Wow! This place is beautiful," Lucy gushes in awe. Even when the cherry blossom trees weren't in full bloom, the village is just as beautiful.

"Yeah! I don't think I've ever seen a place as beautiful as this," Wendy adds. High rocky walls surround the village, and a narrow stream runs through he middle. The end of the stream forms a waterfall, and a bridge has been build over it.

I feel an aching in my chest as I gaze at my home village. It's been so long, and I've always wanted to return... but now that I'm a member of Fairy Tail... I don't want to leave it, either... I feel Erza gazing at me from my right, a solemn expression in her eyes. But I ignore her, and Momo and I start making our way down the hill.

"Hey...! Wait up, Akira-chan!" Natsu calls after me, and follows.

My teammates catch up to Momo and I, and we enter the village. The whole place was lively, and the villagers chat amongst themselves. As we make our way toward the client's house, the villager's notice us, and when they saw me, the villager's pause in what they're doing to stare at me as we walk past.

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