Chapter 55

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Lucy remains tense as Natsu and Gray very carefully lower the crystallised Akira onto the floor in the study of the Suishou house. Beads of sweat dot the boy's faces as they gently place Akira in the floor. When they'd arrived a moment ago Samui was furious at Rei, but he was also extremely worried for his granddaughter. Samui had immediately ushered the wizards into the study, which is where they are now.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when Akira was set on the floor, but didn't crack. Natsu and Gray straighten up as they wipe the backs of their hands across their brows.

"Phew! We got here without incident," Gray mutters in immense relief. Nanami lingers by her sister's side, a worried expression on her face.

"Now what do we do?" Lucy asks.

"Could you try freezing the crystal, Gray?" Erza asks, gazing at the crystal with narrowed eyes.

"I'm not sure if I can without hurting Akira," He responds. Natsu kneels beside the crystal, a pondering look on his face. He then raises his clenched fist, and flames wrap around it. Natsu holds it to the crystal.

Lucy and Happy shout fearfully, "Natsu!! What're you doing?!"

"I'm gonna try to melt the stuff," Natsu responds in a matter-of-fact-tone.

"Idiot! Your flames have no effect on Crystal Magic! It's different from my Ice Make Magic," Gray snaps, glaring at him.

"I don't see you coming up with any ideas," Natsu retorts.

Gray turns to Nanami. "Nanami, do you have any idea on how we can free Akira?"

"Well..." The bluenette begins.


She's cut off by a loud crack resonating around the room, making everyone jump. They whirl to Natsu, who screams as he jolts backward, flames disappearing from his fist.

"You idiot! What did you do?!" Gray yells as he stalks over and grasps the front of Natsu's jacket.

"I-I didn't mean to—!" Natsu tries to say.

Another crack appears in the crystal, then another, and another, causing more worry to settle on their faces. Natsu gets on his knees and starts bowing while frantically apologising, "I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Aki-chan...!!"

Happy clings to Lucy's leg as his body goes rigid while the celestial wizard watches the crystal cracking with wide, brown eyes, a frightened expression on her face. "Oh, no... Aki-chan...!" The blue furred cat murmurs fearfully. Eventually, the crystal stops cracking, causing everyone to let out huge sighs of relief. With a pop, the entire crystal shatters, and dissipates into thin air. They all watch, frozen in place, as the crystal disappears.

Natsu stares with incredibly dilated eyes as he feels his heart stop dead in his chest. Natsu blinks his eyes a couple of times when he sees Akira shift in her place, her body relaxing. "Akira-chan! You're alright!" Natsu gasps once he'd managed to find his voice.

The blonde slowly sits up as she smiles back at him. "Of course I am."

"Aki-chaaannn! I was so scared!" Happy cries as he jumps into her arms. "I'm so glad that you're not shattered into a million pieces!" Akira smiles gently down at Happy as she pats him a couple of times.

Wendy says, as I hug Happy reassuringly, "But, I don't understand how you aren't shattered with the crystal."

I explain, "I guess I forgot to mention when we were fighting the Oracion Seis, that Crystal Magic users are immune to the crystal. So, when a Crystal Magic user is crystallised, they can manipulate the crystal around them and destroy it before it can shatter." My teammates, minus Momo, stare at me with wide, stunned eyes.

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