Chapter 71

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You all know who this adorable little Exceed is—->

Also, question, is Frosch a boy or a girl? Everyone in Fairy Tail calls Frosch a he, so that's what I'm going with.

Akira's P. O. V:

We all hurry back to camp upon hearing an ungodly roar-like sound, one that seems to shake the ground. "Hey! Is everyone alright?!" I call as Gildarts, Lucy, Cana, Natsu, Happy and I rush over.

"Do you guys hear that crazy noise?" Happy asks.

"Yeah! What is it?" Gray questions.

Gildarts stops and slumps over as he lets out a groan of pain, placing his hand over his left upper bandaged arm. Natsu, Cana and I gather around him. "Are you okay?" The brunette asks her father.

"My wounds are starting to burn like hell," Gildarts groans out. "There's no doubt. That's dragon—he's getting real close."

Lily shouts while pointing to the sky, "Look up in the sky! Something's coming this way!"

We all follow his gaze, and I immediately freeze upon seeing a giant black dragon with wings of darkest night with midnight blue markings. I just stare with wide eyes filled with incredulity, my mouth hanging open. Okay. So I've read about dragons and seen pictures of them in books... but it's nothing compared to seeing a dragon in real life!!

I couldn't quite wrap my mind around it...

I could vaguely hear my guild mates shouting in disbelief.

"HOLY CRAP!!" Gray shouts in shock.

"That thing's humongous!" Elfman says.

The great black dragon flies above us, creating a big gust of wind that tosses our hair and clothes. "You've gotta be kidding me," Gajeel mutters.

"I don't think it's a friendly one," Wendy murmurs.

"I knew it," Breathes Natsu, his eyes dilated. "I was right all along. They still exist."

"I'm afraid that's Acnologia," Master reveals to us as he steps forward, along with Erza and Laxus. I still don't turn around as I'm still in numbed shock. "The black dragon of the apocalypse."

"Yeah," Gildarts says in agreement. "That's definitely him."

Placing a hand to her forehead, Lucy asks worriedly, "That sounds bad. What the heck are we gonna do?"

"Hey, dragon!" Natsu calls, snapping me out of my stunned state, and making Lucy and I glance back at him. "You know where I can find Igneel? Tell me! Grandeeney and Metallicana, too!"

"Stop it, Natsu!" Gildarts shouts as he grabs the pinkette's shoulder. "You don't wanna provoke him! Did you forget what happened to me?! How I lost my arm and my leg? Hell! I'm lucky I didn't lose my life that day!"

The Fire Dragon Slayer scowls as he thinks back to the day Gildarts returned. Happy exclaims, "I don't think that's the same kind of dragon that raised Natsu and Wendy! This one seems evil."

We cry out as Acnologia lands, making the ground shake violently. "You're certainly right about that!" Gildarts responds. "It's the most evil thing there is."


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