Chapter 51

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So, I've edited out that Akira can sense magic power in other crystals, and I've just changed how she discovered Master Mavis by having felt her vibration with her Amber Earth Sense spell.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Akira leaves the girl's dormitory at the crack of dawn the next morning, her long black cloak thrown over her shoulders. It was the day of the anniversary, November 15th, and Akira didn't want to be anywhere near the guild hall, so she went to the East Forest and sits by the edge of the river, her legs dangling over the edge, and her chin in her hands, elbows resting on her knees, wanting to be alone for the day.


It was a normal day in the guild hall; Cana was drinking, Gajeel was eating iron, Mira was working at the bar, Erza was eating strawberry cake while Wendy was reading through a book on medicinal herbs, Momo and Charlele were drinking tea, while Happy was eating a fish, and Natsu and Gray were fighting, as per usual. Makarov sits on the bar counter, drinking from a mug of alcohol.

Lucy gazes around, blinking her chocolate brown coloured eyes. She's noticed all day that a certain blonde haired, pink eyed girl had not once made an appearance, which was unlike her, as Akira never misses a day at the guild. Not unless something has come up, anyway.

"Hey... has anyone seen Akira? I haven't seen her at the guild hall all day," Lucy asks in concern. This immediately gains Erza's and even Natsu's and Gray's attentions, causing the boys to glance at her.

A solemn expression settles itself on Erza while Momo gazes down sadly. It was also weird to Lucy that she would be here without Akira; those two were almost always together.

Wendy murmurs, gazing around the guild hall, "Now that you've mentioned it, Lucy-san... I haven't either."

"Neither have I," Charlele adds.

Momo says quietly, but still loud enough for Natsu and Gray to hear, as she flicks her purple orbs to Lucy, "It's nothing for you guys to worry about. Aki-chan is always gone the entire day at this time—she won't be back till midnight."

"Why?" Lucy wonders, making Momo tense.

"Because..." She trails off as that sane sad expression flashes through her eyes again. Momo forced herself to continue, "... Because today is the day Aki-chan lost her family."

Lucy, Wendy and Charlele feel their eyes widen in shock, and the blonde gasps. Gajeel peers over at them from his spot at the bar, while Mira gazes at them sadly, knowing just what it's like to lose a little sister.

"I-I didn't know..." Lucy stammers apologetically.

"Don't worry about it," Momo says. "Aki-chan just wants to be alone for the day."

"If... If you say so..." Lucy gazes out doors of the guild hall. She can't help but feel concerned for the younger mage. Natsu and Gray feel sadness settle in their eyes. Neither of them really liked seeing Akira upset about anything. They don't know all the details, but Natsu and Gray know that Akira was hurt badly and suffered great loss in the past. It wasn't that long, however, before Natsu and Gray resumed their fighting.


A six year old Akira sits in bed that night, reading. Her younger twin sister Nanami sits in the bed across the room, also reading. Their cats, Momo and Vivienne, were curled up beside them, sound asleep. They share the same bedroom. Noises coming from inside the house causes Akira to jerk her head up, and gaze toward the door, Nanami quickly following her gaze.

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