Chapter 49

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Pic is young Akira. Just imagine her with pink eyes and longer hair—->

Third Person's P. O. V:

Akira sits at a table next to Erza, chatting with the older S-class wizard, while they eat a slice of cake; Akira a chocolate one and Erza a strawberry one. Erza smiles down at the young girl as she smiles and talks. Across from them, sit Lucy, and Wendy, the former watching the two S-class wizards curiously. Momo, Happy and Charlele sit on the table, the former two cats eating fish. It's been a day since the whole Daphne incident. After Gray had told everyone why he did what he did, they'd forgiven him. Although, it took people like Elfman, Jet, Droy and Akira a bit longer, they still forgave him in the end, with the exception of a slap on Gray's face from Akira, for everything he'd said to her, and for putting Natsu's life at risk. Although, the crystal mage had to agree that it was partly Natsu's fault for having failed in keeping his promise to the people in the City Without Sound.

Lucy decides to speak up. "Hey, Aki-chan?"

"Hmmm?" She utters, glancing at Lucy. Akira and Momo are wearing their work attire.

"I was just wondering, about you and Erza. About how close you two are. You and Erza seem really close, like siblings, and I was just wondering why you call her big sister when you're not related." This gains Wendy's and the cats' attentions.

"Hmmm, well, that takes me back," Akira murmurs thoughtfully. "I guess the main reason why we're so close is because Erza-new was one of the first people to slap some sense into me. It happened, I think, two months after Momo-chan and I joined? Back then, I was still distant and distrustful of people, and didn't quite understand emotions..."

Lucy and Wendy look curious by that.

"Oooh! Are you telling that story, Aki-chan?!" Natsu asks excitedly as he slides in beside her. Akira glances at him and spots the light red hand print on Gray's cheek as he sits on Natsu's other side. She mentally sweat drops, feeling a tad bit guilty. They'd broken away from their fight when they heard Akira start to tell this story.

"Yeah. As I was saying," Akira turns back to Lucy, "it happened two months after we joined, and I was a completely different person back then..."

"I remember," Gray says, sweat dropping. Juvia suddenly appears beside him.

"Can Juvia listen too, Aki-chan?"

"Sure." She instantly sits beside Gray, much to his displeasure. Akira grins, thinking about how those two would make a wonderful couple.


Natsu stands beside Gray, Erza and Lisanna, watching the young pink eyed girl sitting in a dark corner of the guild hall, eating alone. Her pink furred feline companion sits on the table, eating Mackerel fish, Happy beside her. It'd been two months since the young, mysterious girl wandered into Fairy Tail. Ever since, she's been seclusive from everyone, always sitting by herself.

Although, it turns out that she doesn't mind having neither Momo nor Happy with her, but if anyone like Natsu or Cana try to talk to her, she would snap at them to leave her alone, glare menacingly at them that even Natsu and Gray become scared, or just outright ignore them. And, when anyone, except Happy and Momo, would go to touch her, Akira would just lash out at them.

Natsu grumbles, his arms crossed over his chest, "Geez. It's been two months, and that kid is still all by herself. I mean, what's her problem? We're just trying to be nice."

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