Chapter 2

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Pic above is Erigor—->


Here in the town of Clover, you'll find the building where the guild master conferences are being held....

"I'm jealous, Maki!! Your wizards are all full of life, and they're such cutie pies!!" A big bald man wearing a pink and purple outfit with makeup and a large necklace coos, a pair of small white wings on the back of his shirt.

This is Bob, Master of the Blue Pegasus guild. And just in case you were wondering, he's a man.

"I hear you got a girl that gave some big shot quite the spanking!" He adds.

"Oh, you must be talking about Lucy," Makarov responds, eating a chicken leg. "Yes, she's our newest recruit, and she's got a body that won't quit!!"

Bob gasps as he turns away, covering his face in his hands in shock, "Oh! So naughty!!"

"I wouldn't be joking around, if I were you, Makarov!" Says a deeper male voice than Bob's.

"Hm?" The Fairy Tail guild master turns around to a a tall lean man with shoulder length sandy brown hair, wearing all black. He wears a red spiked collar, a pointy black hat and a pair of dark shades on his face. He holds a meat kebab in his left hand.

This wizard is named Goldmine. He's the master of the Quadro Cerberus guild.

"Your wizards maybe spirited, but you've gotta admit, they go overboard, sometimes," Goldmine adds while waving his meat kebab for emphasis. "Some of the Council members are worried that Fairy Tail's going to end up destroying an entire city one of these days. Can't say that I blame 'em!"

"AAHH!! Let those blowhards worry! What do I care?!" The Fairy Tail guild master yells, flailing in annoyance. "They're just jealous my wizards are hot!!"

One hand on his cheek, while waving the other, Bob coos to Makarov, "Oh, Maki! You shouldn't talk about your little wizards that way!! You're such a scoundrel!"

"Master Makarov, Master Makarov!" A little blue bird wearing a black top hat and carrying a small envelope in its claws calls as it flaps towards the short old man. "I have a letter from Mirajane-san!"

"Ah, thanks a lot!" Makarov says appreciatively as the bird drops the letter into his waiting hand.

"No problem!" The bird chirps before it flies away.

Makarov then spins a finger around the gold wax seal and a holographic image of the Takeover mage appears, smiling happily.

"Hi, Master! I'm glad you made it to the conference safe and sound!"

Pointing at the image, Makarov says proudly to the men gathered around him, "See? This honey here's our poster girl, Mirajane. Grab some eye candy, boys!"

The men whistled.

"Ooh la la!" Coos Bob.

Goldmine comments in astonishment, arms crossed over his chest, "That's Mirajane?! I have seen her in a while. She sure has matured!"

Mira says excitedly, "Oh, Master, you're not going to believe what happened! It may be the greatest thing in the history of a Fairy Tail!"


"Erza, Natsu, Gray and Akira-chan have all teamed up together! An amazing combination, huh? In fact, I think they may have formed the strongest team Fairy Tail's ever seen! Sorry to bother you, but just couldn't wait to tell you the exciting news!"

Book 1: Fragments of Crystal (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now