Chapter 66

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So, guys, I'm just letting you know that I've deleted the part about Akira possibly being on par with Gildarts... and I've edited during Akira's fight with Mest that when he punched her side, his fist just went right through.

Akira's P. O. V:

"Argh!! This stupid thing isn't picking up!!" I yell in a tone of annoyance as I roughly shake my Communication Crystal in an attempt to get it to work. Momo and I've been wandering around the island for what feels like hours as we search for our comrades. I've tried to contact them with my Communication Crystal, but it seems as though none of the others are answering. Before having left the camp, I'd checked to see if Lisanna still had hers, and she did, even after what happened two years ago.

She and I weren't exactly close, unlike how I am with my teammates, but I didn't dislike Lisanna, either.

She and I weren't exactly close, unlike how I am with my teammates, but I didn't dislike Lisanna, either

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(What the Communication Crystal looks like—->)

"Maybe they've run into trouble as well," Momo suggests.

"And that's what makes me even more worried," I say with a sigh.


"Huh...?" Momo and I utter as we look up at the sky. Our eyes widen when we see the red signal flare, which could only mean one thing.

With worry pounding in my heart, I slam my foot on the ground and activate my Amber Earth Sense spell, creating a much larger vibration to spread across the whole island. I could pick up my comrades' vibrations, as well as those of the animals, and two of my own comrades' vibrations which are  nearby.

I share a concerned look with my pink furred Exceed. I murmur, "Come on, Momo!"

I take off at a run, and Momo quickly spreads her wings to fly after me. I gaze down at my Communication Crystal.

'Please, guys! Be careful...' I think as we continue searching.


It wasn't that long after the flare had gone up that I finally feel the vibrations I felt before, from right up ahead. I push through some bushes, and hear a startled gasp as I jump out of the bushes, Momo following quickly behind.

"Akira! Momo! Oh, thank goodness!" We look up to see Levy, looking battered and injured but otherwise alive. I blink my eyes when I see an unconscious Gajeel leaning against her shoulders.

I silently wonder how the heck Levy is able to carry the muscular man when he's twice her height, and weighs heavier.

"Levy-chan! Thank god you're alright," Momo breathes as we rush over to them.

"I felt your guys' vibrations before. What happened?" I ask as my eyes trail over the Iron Dragon Slayer. He was far more seriously injured than the petite bluenette carrying him. I gesture to a nearby tree. "Put him there, and I'll heal him."

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