Chapter 11

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Pic above is Lyon Vastia—->

Momo's P. O. V:

Happy and I had been flying for hours. We haven't found Lucy yet, and I really hope that she's okay.

Dawn is breaking by the time we finally spot the celestial wizard, kneeling and looking frightened on the beach.

"There she is!" Happy announces to me, sounding relieved. "Lucy!!

Happy says with a relieved smile as we fly towards a fearful Lucy, "Hey! Momo and I have been looking all over for you! We're glad you're okay! We were worried— *GASP...!!*" Happy cuts himself off with a sharp gasp, jerking to a halt in the air, his dark round eyes considerably wide with fear.

Erza peers back at us with a livid expression on her face, and Happy whips around. He tries to escape with lightning speed, but ultimately fails because Erza had snatched hold of his tail in a vice-like grip.

Giving a large sweat drop at the look on Erza's face, I remain where I hover, a nervous expression on my face, knowing that it's no use attempting to flee.

I stutter fearfully as Erza wrenches her dark gaze on to me, "H-Hi, E-Erza...!"

She asks in a tone laced with calm fury, "Now, where is Natsu?"

Before I could respond, Lucy tells Erza, "Listen! I'm sorry we came here without permission, but some really awful things have been happening on this island! There's this guy and his minions were trying to revive a frozen demon! And the villagers are suffering because of this magic spell they're using, and they'd turned into monsters." Lucy glances away. "We just thought, that if we worked together we might be able to help them."

The look on Erza's face blatantly read that she couldn't care less. She states as such, facial expression unchanging, "That's not my concern."

Lucy begs, "Please, Erza! Let us finish this job! We can't leave things this way—!" Lucy is cut off with a sharp gasp when Erza whips out a sword and points it right at her face, the blade gleaming in the morning sunlight.

Erza states sternly, still holding Happy by his tail, "I don't think you understand. The three of you have betrayed Master Makarov! You'll be lucky if you walk away with your lives."

Gripping Happy's tail firmly, Erza drags us back to the village, but a different part of it. In this section of the village, large white tents have been set up. We enter a tent near the one that holds Gray, and Erza immediately ties Lucy and Happy up with rope.

Lucy and Happy had anime tears pouring down their faces when the tent flaps open to reveal Gray, on his feet again and with bandages wrapped around his stomach and chest. I sit on Happy's left, while Lucy is on his right, and Erza sits cross-legged with her hands steepled together on Lucy's right, her face anything but happy at the sight of Gray.

"You made me wait. Not smart," Erza says in way of greeting.

Gray gasps in surprise, "Erza...?! Why are they tied up?"

"Lucy's gotten me up to speed with everything that's happened." Erza adds as she stands up from her seat on a wooden crate, "I thought you and Akira were sent to stop Natsu and these two fools." She rets her left hand on her hip. "Needless to say, I'm disappointed."

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