Chapter 12

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Gray tells his guild mates while Momo and Happy hover in the air, "The truth is... Ur's still alive."

Erza asks, "What do you mean...?"

Gray says as the memory of that day enters his mind, "It's been ten years..."

After telling them of how he'd met Lyon and his master, Ur, of how the demon of destruction, Deliora wiped out his hometown but he'd survived, and tried to avenge his family by attempting to kill the demon himself only for his master to sacrifice herself in order to use the forbidden Iced Shell to seal the demon away for good, Gray and the others head toward the temple, only to stop at the strange sight before them.

Lucy, Happy and Momo, who are still hovering in the air. tilt their heads to the left to better see the tilted over temple.

"Hey... Guys? Is it just me, or does the temple look a little... Crooked right now...?" Lucy murmurs in confusion.

Happy asks, "What happened to it?"

His arms crossed over his chest, Gray replies, "I'm guessing Natsu and Akira."

"Me too," Erza says in agreement.

"Me three," Momo adds.

"I don't know how he'd managed to pull that off, but he'd be the only one who'd do something that crazy. I don't even know how he'd convinced Akira to help him, though," Gray states, knowing full well that the young crystal mage wasn't one for causing destruction, whether deliberately or not. "It's a pretty great idea if he did it on purpose. Since the temple's tilted like that, the moonlight won't be on Deliora."

Straightening their heads back into their right place, Lucy says in agreement, "You mean, his habit of destroying stuff actually came in useful for once?"

Momo comments, her head now upright, "I've gotta admit, I am impressed."

Happy attempted to straighten his own head, but instead it just bent the other way entirely, startling Lucy. Fearfully, Happy cries, "Ah! My neck!! It's stuck from looking at that crooked temple!!"

"Eepp!! Happy, don't move! I'll help you," Momo exclaims with wide purple eyes as she rushes to her friend's aid.

Happy says gratefully, "Th-Thank you, M-Momo...!"

Just when Momo is about to help him, Erza's eyes flash slightly when she senses an incoming attack. Several crescent moon discs come flying out of the trees next to them. Momo saw the attack coming almost at the same time, so she spreads her wings and leaps into the air. Lucy and Happy weren't so quick, but they were saved by Erza shoving them out of the way.

Erza and Gray easily dodge the attack. Erza calls out, frowning, "Who's there?!"

With a cry, Lucy is thrown against a tree, before landing on the ground. Happy lands against a tree headfirst, while Momo floats down between Erza and Gray. An old woman's voice says triumphantly, when a group of robed people appear, "We've got you now, Fairy Tail!"

"We won't allow you to interfere!" A man adds.

Gray says in annoyance, "Not these guys!"

"Them again!" Momo says with a hint of annoyance, frowning.

"Lyon's minions?" Erza asks.

"Yeah," Momo replies, nodding.

Lucy says as she looks around, "They're all around us!"

Happy chimes, still trying to straighten his head, "Aye...!"

Erza holds out her right hand and summons a magic sword, saying, "I can handle this myself!"

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