Chapter 14

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Picture is of the Demon of Destruction, Deliora—->

Third Person's P. O. V:

Natsu, Zalty and Akira stare at the demon Deliora as it lets loose a roar that could be heard across the entire island, though Akira is completely frozen in shock and fear at the sight of it, her pink eyes wide and wavering. Akira has never once witnessed the sight of a demon, the closest she'd come to was the Lullaby Flute during the Eisenwald incident.

Never has she felt such fear, not since that night five years ago.

The demon's roar releases a mighty powerful shockwave that causes the Galuna tribe to get knocked off their feet as they scream, even the ocean surrounding the island pulses with a powerful shockwave.

Akira and Natsu gasp and their eyes dilate in fear as Zalty cries gleefully, "Finally! The moment is here!!"

"What the heck was that noise?!" Lucy demands as she, Erza and the cats stand in a corridor in the temple. "It sounded like some sort of monster growling!"

Happy suggests unhelpfully, as he wraps his paws over his stomach, "It was probably just your stomach, Lucy."

With a deadpan expression, Lucy responds, "You know, you're not half as funny as you think you are..."

"So, do you think that sound might've been Deliora?" Erza asks worriedly.

"Oh, no! You mean... THEY BROUGHT IT BACK TO LIFE?!?!" Lucy screams in fear, cupping her face as her brown eyes widen.

"Aki-chan...." Momo says fearfully, swishing her bushy pink tail as she droops her ears slightly, still in her human form. She knew her friend is still in the temple, and is more than like somewhere near the demon. Momo knee Akira was strong and often put on a brave face, but in situations like this, she knew Akira must be absolutely terrified.

Momo just hoped that either Natsu or Gray were there to protect her, though Momo wished she were by her friend's side right now.

Happy says as he points at a purple magic circle nearby, "See that purple light? That's the Moon Drip!"

Lucy makes a frightened sound as her eyes widen when another roar blasts through the temple.

"It must be..." Erza murmurs with her arms crossed.

Happy complains to Lucy, "Hey! You need to eat something!"

Placing her hands on her hips, Lucy leans towards Happy as she snaps, "And you need to shut your trap before I hurt you!"

"Will the two of you just shut up?! We have bigger things to worry about than Lucy's stomach!" Momo snaps harshly, her purple eyes flashing with annoyance which startles Lucy, as she's never seen the pink cat get snappy with anyone. Seeing Lucy's shocked gaze, Momo gives a small sigh, her own gaze softening. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried about Aki-chan. She must be feeling terrified right now."

Lucy says with an assuring smile, "I'm sure she's fine! Especially if Natsu or Gray are with her."

"You're right, Lucy," Momo says with a smile of her own, though she can't help but still feel a jab of worry in her heart.

Erza says seriously, "That may be the demon growling, but someone's still performing the Moon Drip ceremony up there. Which means they haven't fully revived it, yet." Lucy, Momo and Happy look to Erza. "So, we still have a chance to do something! Come on!"

"Eh...? Deliora's below us!" Lucy calls after Erza as she points with her thumb to the floor and cups her mouth with the other hand.

Erza says as she runs, "Putting a stop to the ceremony is our only hope! We've gotta hurry!"

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