Chapter 6

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Pic above is Gray yFullbuster—->


Akira's P. O. V:



Happy screams as the chair continues to run around with him on it, and Erza grunts in exertion as she attacks the monsters with her blades.

Sitting cross legged on the cliff next to me, Master has his cheek in one hand as he mutters, "Wish they would hurry. I'm starving, here!"

Her ears drooping, Momo mumbles to Master, "At least you get to eat!"

I shoot her a narrowed eyed glare as I snap, "Neither of us are touching any of those things! Especially since they were created by a dark guild."

Momo slumps a bit more as she sighs in sadness.

Master glances to me, and sees my hateful glare. "You seem to particularly hate dark guilds, Akira-chan," Master observes, making me tense. "Did something happen before you and Momo joined Fairy Tail? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Uuuhhh," my gaze flicks around as I attempt to find an answer that won't seem too suspicious. He can't know about our past — no one can. "S-Something did happen, but it's not something Momo and I like to talk about that much. But, thank you for the offer," I say, as I manage a small smile.

"Hmmm, very well, my dear," Master replies in understanding. "If you ever do want to talk about it, I'm here, and so is Erza. You know you can trust us with anything, right?"

"Uh, right..." I mutter before I turn away from him, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth. That was close!

I look back down to our guild mates. Natsu is standing on a the pile of rocks, the tails of the eels now a crispy brown. The creatures Natsu had cooked are steaming.


I scowl and ignore my stomach grumbling. I'd much rather starve than even think about touching one of those things!

"Time to dig in!" Natsu says as he breaks off the eel's tail, grinning in anticipation. I look up when Happy's chair comes jumping around behind Natsu, the blue cat screaming. "What the heck's going on with Happy? I don't care how hungry he is; he can't eat a chair!"

Erza says to the celestial mage, "Lucy? Here, go ahead. You try it first."

Her arms in an x formation, Lucy snaps back, "Not a chance!!"

"Fine, I'll do it," Erza says as she takes a piece of the chopped up monster.

"That's cold, Erza!" Lucy gasps as she thrusts her arm up and down. "You were trying to use me as your personal guinea pig, weren't you?!"

Happy's chair jumps past the two girls.

Lucy asks Erza, "Uh, do you think we should help him...?"

"I'm sure he'll figure something out." Erza gazes at the piece of 'food' on her fingers. "Here goes..." She takes a bite out of it.

"So? How is it...?" Lucy asks with a hint of curiosity.

Erza doesn't say anything as she holds it out to Lucy. Lucy sweat drops on the back of her head. "Ah...! Alright, you win." Lucy takes the grey coloured piece.

Standing in front of his handiwork, the monsters before him frozen, Gray utters with a hand on his hip, "Well, it ain't pretty. Hope it tastes better than it looks!"

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