Chapter 37

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Akira's P. O. V:

It's been two weeks since The Battle of Fairy Tail. Just recently, Lucy's father had appeared in town, telling her that everything they'd owned had been taken away, and so, now, they're broke. Jude Heartfilia had tried asking Lucy for money, but she's refused, saying she didn't have any and they'd split from there.

When we were going to take a job to capture a convict named Velveno, Lucy had taken off to Live and Lucky, a merchant guild, to help her father and ended up defeating a whole dark guild by herself.

As of right now, my teammates and I are helping out at a new restaurant that'd opened up in the port town of Hargeon: 8 Island. We'd taken on this job to help Lucy pay for her rent.

I sigh as I carry two plates over to a couple sitting at a nearby table, pasting a happy smile on my face as I near them. While working at this restaurant, the guys have to wear nice pants, shirts and ties, while us girls have to wear these ridiculously short orange and yellow maid's dresses with no sleeves, and who's neckline covers barely half of our chests, leaving most of the top of our chests exposed. Lucy has her hair pulled into twin ponytails while Erza and I have ours in a single high ponytail.

Even Happy and Momo were dressed up in the same uniforms as us.

I basically feel naked in this dress as I stand in front of the couple and put their orders in front of them. In the background, I hear Lucy taking another customer's order.

I hear Lucy shout in a flustered tone, "Wait!! What am I doing?!?!" I pause and glance around just in time to see my blonde haired teammate chuck the notepad on the ground, only for it to bounce back and hit her right in the face. "Waitressing?!?!" She squeals in an indignant tone.


"Yeah, what?!" She snaps as she whips a glare around to Natsu. He's carrying a tray with a bowl of rice and a huge chicken leg on it.

"You're working a job for crying out loud," he replies.

Lucy asks in a flustered tone, steam literally wafting from her ears, her eyes in angry white triangles, "Since when does waiting tables qualify as legitimate wizard work?!" She adds as she grips the sides of her skirt in her hands and does a half twirl, a dark, gloomy aura swirling around her as she glances down, "And why do I have to wear this horrible outfit?!"

"Not my idea," Natsu mumbles.

Striking a pose, the celestial wizard says, "I mean, I know I can rock this uniform, but, still!"

Natsu mutters, "Whatever..."

"The chef here at 8 Island uses magic to  cook all these tasty dishes. So, he thought it'd be kind of cool if the wait staff were magic users as well," Happy explains as he steps forward, holding a tray that has a couple of wooden mugs on it.

Momo and Happy have talked about what the reporter, Jason, had said that day, and Momo has told him she didn't like him in a romantic way, but would love to just stay as friends. Happy was a bit sad by it, but he'd agreed and they've remained as friends since.

My and Lucy's eyes jerk wide when Natsu says as he chews on a chicken leg, "Geez, Lucy! We agreed to take this job for you remember?"

Lucy grabs the plate from Happy and chucks it at the pinkette. The plate strikes Natsu right in the face, and when it falls, the rest of the chicken leg was shoved into Natsu's mouth, bone and all; a red imprint of the plate is left on Natsu's face. The customer sitting on Natsu's left gapes at him with a stunned expression, and cries out when Lucy threw the plate.

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