Chapter 38

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So, I've edited just a bit in the previous chapter where Akira describes her height. Wendy is actually a head taller than Akira. I made a tiny mistake when I wrote that part.

Akira's P. O. V:

We all watch as Wendy introduces herself, sounding a little timid as she stands with her hands clasped behind her back, "I've come from the Cait Shelter guild. My name's Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet all of you."

Gray and Lyon, the latter's arms crossed over his chest, say in unison, shock on their faces, "A girl...?"

Lucy and Sherry utter, just as shocked as them, "She's a kid?!"

I point out with a deadpan look, "I'm a kid too, ya know!"

"Nobody's too shocked because we all know of your strength, Akira," Lucy tells me seriously, flicking her gaze to me, before looking back at Wendy.

"She's... not handsome..." Ichiya mutters. He's currently collapsed on the floor, pinned down by Erza's foot pressing on his head.

The redhead inputs, gaze trained on the young blue haired girl, "Nor is she a man. Why should it matter?"

Ren murmurs, his arms crossed over his chest, "Wendy..."

"Marvel-ous...!" Eve adds.

Hibiki says with a smile, "Cute."

Natsu just blinks at Wendy, not saying anything.

After staring at Wendy for a moment, Jura says in a deadly serious tone as he turns back to us, "Now, then, since all guilds are present, we can begin."

Gray shouts incredulously, his eyes animated white ovals of shock, and both fists clenched, "HE'S NOT EVEN FAZED BY THIS?!?!"

Lyon mutters as Wendy fidgets uneasily, "Obviously not."

Sherry wonders, "What in the world is Cait Shelter thinking, sending a little girl on this kind of mission?" I couldn't help but frown at her at that, just as I feel the second smaller vibration approach us. "They must really be hurting for members if they sent her here on her own."

"She isn't alone!" A new female voice cuts in sharply, causing us all to look up. I blink my eyes when a white cat with deep brown eyes wearing a long sleeved pink and yellow shirt with a red skirt approaches and stands behind Wendy, her paws tucked into her shirt sleeves. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, goddy trollop!"

Happy gasps loudly as he stares at the white cat with an awestruck look on his face. Momo grins widely at her, excitement glimmering in her eyes.

She utters as her tail, that has a pink ribbon tied around it, flicks to the side, "Hmph!"

She utters as her tail, that has a pink ribbon tied around it, flicks to the side, "Hmph!"

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