Chapter 28

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And here's Chapter 28!!

I'm really excited about a certain battle coming up in this chapter! I also fixed a little mistake in Akira's Crystal Magic, in the fact that hardly any magic, except for Lightning and Sound frequencies/Magics, can easily destroy it. That's how it was supposed to be created.

Anyway, I'd love to know your guys' thoughts on this chapter!

Pic above is Jellal Fernandes—->

Akira's P. O. V:

"Hoo, hoo!" Owl-man says as he comes down towards Natsu. He thrusts out his right leg to land a powerful kick, but Natsu throws up his left arm and blocks it, gritting his teeth.

"Fire Dragon: Talon!!" Natsu pulls back and backflips as he brings up his right flame-covered foot. He strikes owl-man right in the side of his face, knocking him back. Owl-man crash lands on top of a bird cage nearby, sending up a dust cloud.

Landing back on his feet, Natsu turns and faces the enemy, smirking as he holds up a clenched fist.

The dust cloud clears to reveal owl-man staring back at us with his head upside-down. Gripping his head, owl-man says as he straightens it again, sounding utterly unfazed, "Sorry to disappoint you!"

Hovering on Simon's left, Happy says in surprise, "That owl guy's going hit-for-hit with Natsu and Akira!"

Simon responds, "Of course he is. I'd expect nothing less from a member of Trinity Raven."

"..." Hovering on Happy's left, Momo says nothing.

"Hoo, hoo, and now the mighty hammer of justice will fall upon you!" Bending over, owl-man summons two gold magic circles underneath his jetpack. Natsu, Happy, Momo, Simon and I watch with weariness.

"Missile, Hoo, Hoo!" He shouts. He releases the jetpack from his back and it flies straight for Natsu and I. We both dodge it by jerking our bodies sideways, and the jetpack flies between us.

Turning in the direction it went, I say sarcastically, "Wow! Way to miss your target, Dodo!"

"Huh?!" We exclaim when we see the jetpack turn around and fly back at us, seemingly of its own accord. As it nears us, Natsu and I avoid it by leaping into the air, and it passes by underneath us.

Owl-man calls, "And here we go! Arm Hands, now!!"

Natsu and I gape as a hand drops from a hatch in the bottom of one of the jets. Natsu's eyes become wide, animated white circles as the hand snatches him out of the air, and takes off with him.

Somehow managing to avoid being grabbed, I summon a Crystal Platform and land on it in a crouch. Jerking my head up to the pinkette, I exclaim worriedly, "Natsu-kun!!"

Standing with his arms crossed over his chest, owl-man calls, "Around the world you go!!"

I hear Simon murmur, "His attack's are so... Bizarre!"

The jetpack continues to fly about with Natsu still held in its vice-like grip, screaming. My eyes widen when Natsu's cheeks suddenly bulge with bile that threatens to spill.

"Oh, no!!" I cry, hands flying to my mouth. Idiot! Why didn't I think to heal him earlier?! I mentally kick myself for not thinking to do that.

Happy cries, paws held up in the air, his dark eyes wide, "No...!! Slow down!!"

Owl-man states, "I know my opponent's weaknesses very well, Salamander!"

I whip a death stare to him. How dare he torment Natsu-kun like this?!

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