Chapter 52

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Third Person's P. O. V:

"I still don't get why you're coming, Iron Head," Natsu complains, glaring at Gajeel.

"Well, for one, the kid asked me to, and for another, this job just sounds fun, and I'm not about to let you have all the fun," Gajeel retorts, smirking back at the pinkette. Natsu gains a tick mark and scowls, gritting his teeth.

"We can totally handle this job request on our own! We don't need your help!" Natsu protests.

Gajeel responds smoothly, "If you gotta problem with it then take it up with the kid; I'm sure she'd just love to hear it. Especially with the mood she's in right now."

Natsu pauses at that. Just the thought of making Akira angry sends a shudder through him. He notices Gajeel grinning at him in triumph, and shoots the Iron Dragon Slayer a sharp glare of annoyance, his eyes turning to angry white triangles, and bashed his head against the brunette's.

"I'm telling you, we don't need you for this mission!" Natsu shouts, flustered.

"And I'm telling you, I don't gotta choice! It's not like I want to team up with you in the first place, Salamander!" Gajeel snaps back hotly.

Lucy sits on the bench at behind them at Magnolia Station, her pink suitcase beside her. She watches the two Dragon Slayers butting heads with a deadpan expression and a sweat drop forming on the side of her head. On Lucy's other side, sit Happy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy and Charlele, most of whom are watching the fight with exhausted expressions.

Lucy addresses the blue furred cat, gaze still on the male Dragon Slayers, "Hey, Happy?"


"Can you tell me what was up with Natsu and Gray earlier? Like, one minute, they were fighting each other, and the next, when Aki-chan showed up, they immediately stopped—like how they react around Erza."

"Oh, that. They only react that way because Aki-chan is usually pretty upset when she arrives at the guild hall the day after her family's death anniversary, and, believe me when I say, that Aki-chan is scary when she's angry or upset, especially if she gets annoyed too much—such as if Natsu and Gray are fighting. That's why they act all friendly around each other the day after November 16th. It usually lasts a day, though, so don't worry," He explains.

"I still can't believe that the both of them, heck, even me, are scared of a little girl! She's just so small and kind," Lucy says in disbelief.

Gray mutters with his arms crossed over his chest, "Yeah, well, that kid can be scary when she wants—or needs—to be. I don't even know who's scarier—Erza or Akira."

"Yeah, well... they're both equally scaru to me," Lucy mumbles with another sweat drop.

"We here. Sorry to keep you all waiting," Akira says as she and Erza arrive at the station, Momo walking beside the Mizuno.

Lucy says politely as she glances at them, smiling, "Oh, no. Not at all!"

Immediately, Natsu and Gajeel pull apart from each other, looking as though they hadn't just been fighting. Natsu plasters a big smile on his face when Akira looks at him, a smile on her own face. Lucy and the others get up from the bench, picking up their bags.

"It looks like we're all here," Akira notes, gazing around at her teammates. "Alright. Let's get going." They all nod their heads once.


After Wendy had healed Natsu of his motion sickness, the two Fairy Tail teams board the train to Rose Garden. Wendy had offered to heal Gajeel's motion sickness but it seems as though he doesn't have it, despite being a Dragon Slayer himself. Everyone was surprised by this, especially Natsu.

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