Chapter 36

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Kneeling on the floor of Kardia Cathedral, Gajeel raises his head and asks the Solid Script Magic user, "Hey, Levy, are you okay?"

"Hmhm," she replies, nodding. She had hidden herself partially behind a pillar. "But, what about Natsu...? Is he okay?"

The Iron Dragon Slayer peers at Natsu who breathes heavily while kneeling. Gajeel says, smirking, "Hmph! Looks just fine to me!"

Gazing in shock at his palms, Laxus says in confusion, "I hit them with so much magic energy!"

"The other members and the citizens of Manolia remain unharmed," a male voice says, causing everyone to look around with a gasp.


The green haired man leans against the stone wall, clutching his left elbow. He says, "Looks like your spell didn't work — not a single person was killed."

"That's impossible! I cast the Fairy Law spell perfectly!"

"Maybe so, but your true feelings have betrayed you," Freed responds smoothly.

Laxus gasps, gaping at the green haired man in disbelief.

"You've inherited more than strength from your Grandfather; deep down you also have the Master's heart. Whether you'd admit it or not, it's evident that you care for your comrades. The Fairy Law spell only affects those the caster sees as their enemy. Since no one was hurt, we know how you truly feel," Freed says.

Levy steps forward a bit and says, "His magic could see into his heart, and that's why we're still here."

Smiling, Freed tells the Lightning Magic user, "You could try to hide your feelings, Laxus, but your magic... Will always reveal the truth within your heart."

Raising his left eyebrow, the blonde man growls in disbelief, "No, that's ridiculous! The truth is, anyone who would ever dare stand in my way... Is my enemy!!" Laxus clenches his fists and they tremble with rage.

Freed says sternly as he steps toward Laxus, "This has gone on long enough! You need to go see the Master before he's gone!"

Lightning begins to crackle around Laxus's body, reacting to his anger. Laxus growls in fury, as scales appear along his arms and his body seems to grow in height a little, "LET THE OLD MAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE!! HE'S NOTHING TO ME!! HE MAY BE FAMILY, BUT I'M STRONGER!!"

When Laxus thrusts his arms downward, gold lightning blasts through the room, causing Freed to throw his arms up to cover his face to protect it from the light and debris. Levy gasps as Gajeel shields her with his body, teeth clenched as he glares at Laxus.

Freed gasps, "Such power!"

Natsu demands angrily, having risen to his feet, "Who do you think you are?! You're not stronger than Gramps!! You couldn't even pull off Fairy Law!" Natsu rips off his shirt as he adds, fire swirling up around his body, "You may be his Grandson but you're no better than the rest of us!" Natsu clenches his fists. "Don't you know blood ties don't matter?! 'Cause everyone in the guild is supposed to be considered family!"

Laxus snaps, his grey eyes turning completely white, "That's just a lie!! Blood ties do matter!!"

Lightning crackles around Laxus's body while fire swirls around Natsu's body.

"You've been a member long enough to know better than that!!" Natsu shouts. The flames turn into a dragon when Natsu yells, "IF THAT MAKES YOU ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE GUILD... YOU'RE WRONG!!" Natsu punches his fist forward.

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