Chapter 56

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Just imagine the cat without the fur on his chest.

Akira's P. O. V:

Natsu and I gape at the brown furred cat, lying on his stomach on the branch. His chin was resting in one of his paws, and his bottlebrush tail tipped in creamy white swishes lazily while dangling beside the branch. The cat wears a sleeveless green vest with a matching coloured wrist band over his right wrist, and he has dark brown ears, and a dark brown patch of fur over his right eye.

"Whoa, you are a cat! And you're like Happy and Momo!" Natsu states once he's finally found his voice. "You do have Aera Magic, right?"

"Yes. I do," The male feline replies. "But I don't use it."

"Why?" Natsu asks.

The cat yawns as he replies, "Because flying is just too much work for me."

Natsu and I sweat drop.

"Can you also transform into a human?" Natsu asks curiously.


"Who are you?" I ask, curious about this feline.

"My name is Loki," He says. He then tilts his head at me, bright green eyes glinting curiously. "From your eye colour, I'm going to assume that you are a Suishou? That would explain how you detected me."

"H-How did you know?"

"I've heard things here and there."

"What are you doing way out here?" Natsu asks. "Is there another Dragon Slayer nearby?"

"No. There are no other Dragon Slayers in this village. I am simply a cat that lives in this forest and likes to nap all day." Loki narrows his eyes at us, looking as though annoyed. "And that is exactly what I was doing until the human child came crashing through the forest and cried under my tree, disturbing my nap. And then, she started yelling at you, which made it impossible for me to go back to sleep." Here, Loki shifts his annoyed look to Natsu.

We both sweat drop again. This cat is pretty straightforward and blunt, isn't he?

I say, "We're sorry to disturb you, Loki. We'll be on our way." Natsu nods and grabs my arm to pull me away, but I pause, and look back at Loki. "Hey, Loki."


"Doesn't it get lonely here? Living alone in the forest?" I ask, and Natsu stops trying to pull me away.

"No," Replies Loki. "I'm actually not all that fond of humans; they're too loud and reckless, so I prefer to stay away from them. Why do you ask?"

"Perhaps you'd like to come with us, to Fairy Tail?" I suggest, causing Natsu to stare at me in surprise, while Loki gains a thoughtful expression. "I'm sure everyone will love you," I add, smiling, "and there'll be lots of fish." Loki's wars prick up at that.

"Very well, human child. You have convinced me," Loki says as he stands up.

"Uh, my name is Akira Suishou Mizuno," I introduce, and point to the pinkette beside me as Loki climbs down from the tree, "and this is Natsu Dragneel."

Book 1: Fragments of Crystal (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now