Chapter 30

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Akira's P. O. V:

Cold ocean water swirls around our feet as Natsu and I stand in the shallow shore of Akane Resort, an unconscious Erza held bridal-style in Natsu's arms. The sky is dotted with bright stars as a full moon hangs above us, its glow shining down on the ocean.

My gaze is shadowed by my bangs as I stand on Natsu's right side. Upon hearing the sound of waves rolling around us, Erza opens her eyes and gasps in surprise. Gazing around in confusion, Erza asks, "Where am I...?"

The redhead looks behind her shoulder to see our friends running over to us, Happy and Momo flying in the air beside Lucy. They all exclaim in immense relief, laughing as they grin, "ERZA...!!"

Erza murmurs in confusion, "But... This doesn't make any sense..." She glances down at her right palm. "Does this mean I'm... Still alive...?" Erza gasps sharply in surprise when she turns her head and looks up to see Natsu is holding her, his eyes shadowed by his bangs.

?" Erza gasps sharply in surprise when she turns her head and looks up to see Natsu is holding her, his eyes shadowed by his bangs

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A single silver line of tears drips down her left cheek. More tears pour down her face when Erza turns her head to see me standing silently next to the pinkette.

With a sigh of exhaustion, Natsu and I drop to our knees, hitting the water with gentle splashes. Our comrades run up to us, laughing joyously.

I say softly, "We feel the same way you do." With a soft gasp, the requip mage glances up at us.

I remember her words from before.

Erza hangs halfway out of the lacrima crystal, her right hand cupping my cheek as she says, "Akira, Natsu, I cant imagine my life without Fairy Tail. If it weren't for you and the others, I wouldn't be here today."

Lucy, Sho and Momo have tears running down their faces, while Gray has a mixed expression of worry and immense relief as they near us.

I add, "And I know everyone else does, too."

Erza gazes back at us silently, having been set down in the water in front of Natsu. Hands resting on his knees, Natsu tells Erza firmly, "Promise us you won't do something like that again."

"I won't," she whispers.

Natsu dips his head down as he cries. I cry hard as Natsu pleads Erza more firmly, "Promise...!"

Leaning on her right hand, Erza cups Natsu's right cheek as she says softly but sincerely, "I promise." I watch as the scarlet haired mage leans over and rests her forehead against Natsu's, smiling. "Thank you... Natsu... Akira..."


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