Chapter 16

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Benji jumps down from the bed and runs towards the bedroom door as I snap my head around, totally taken aback by the voice behind me.

And there he is, looking cocky as ever, leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest, smirking over at me. And running his tounge along his lip ring.

As Benji approaches, Patrick immediately crouches down to begin fussing over him and telling him how good a boy he is.

"Aww, who's my best friend? Did Jamie take you for a walk tonight? Did she? Did she?"

"Yes, I did." I say, suddenly feeling a little pissed at how normal Patrick is acting. And I've totally missed Harry's big speech.

"Maybe you'd know that if you replied to anyone's messages or returned anyone's calls." I turn my attention back towards the TV. Fuck you, Patrick.

I hear him laugh, that asshole. I've been really worried for like, the past hour or so at least. And he's laughing at me.

I glare at him as he walks around to my side of the bed. And he's still smirking at me. Seriously? He sits down on the edge of the bed next to me, so I shimmy over a little to get away from him. And now he's laughing at me again. What the hell?

"Since when have any of you guys ever worried about me when I don't reply to your messages for a few hours?" He's smiling at me, that annoying, gorgeous smile.

"Well, maybe when you beat the living shit out of your drums then storm outta my house, were allowed to be a little worried." I'm glaring at the TV now. I will not be sucked in by his ridiculously pretty smile. Or his cute beanie that he's still wearing.

"Right," he says, looking a little less confident now. And quite right! "Sorry about that. But surely you know why I got so... Agitated?"

He pulls his beanie off so that he can run his hand through his hair. Not that I'm looking.

"Because of the way Jay and Erin were talking about me and Noah." I state. It isn't a question, I know that's why he stormed off.

"I can't control the things they say, Patrick. It was pretty immature of you to get so worked up like that." I'm nailing this. He needs to pay for his behaviour today.

"Well I can't control how I feel when I hear your best friend ask if you have plenty condoms in here to use with Noah..." He sounds a little wounded. Yeah, well, whatever.

"I didn't agree with her, Patrick. I barely responded to anything they were saying about Noah. You didn't need to leave like you did." I chance looking over at him. And he's smiling at me again.

"I know that now. I'm sorry." Why does he look so cute? No. He's not getting off the hook this easily.

"So where the fuck have you been?" I demand. "Pete and Steph have been driving around looking for you, Joel and Sarah said they hadn't seen or heard from you either."

"Fuck, I was supposed to go to my mom's for dinner." He pulls his phone out and begins typing a message, presumably an apology to his mom.

"Oh, so your phone does still work?" I say, raising my eyebrows at him, condescending him.

"So I haven't replied to you? I'm here now." He smiles as he continues typing on his phone. "Was Joel over here?"

"Yeah, and Sarah. They said you weren't at home."

"I wasn't."

"So where were you?"

He puts his phone back into his pocket and focuses his attention on me again.

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