Chapter 19: Dinner & Interrogation

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A/N: Biggest chapter so far, almost 7000 words. I hope you peed and got your snacks before reading. 



The next few days went by fast. My mom agreed to let me go out, understanding that Y/N's mother was a single parent and wanted to make sure the people around her daughter were good people and would take good care of her. This was something that was without question, but she didn't know that. Y/N had asked me earlier today via text to bring over a copy of the song we recorded so her mom could hear it, and I was happy to oblige. I was still in my room getting dressed when Y/N texted me again.

6:02 p.m.     My Babygirl: I am going to grill out tonight for you. Well my mom and I are. She bought steaks and burgers. Is that okay?

I smiled at her question, thinking it was sweet she was wanting to please me.

6:03 p.m.     Me: That's fine, Y/N. I'll eat anything, pretty much. I'm sure it will be fine. I'll see you in 30 minutes.

I put my phone down and finished getting dressed, settling on a pair of black slacks, a black button down short sleeved shirt, and a black blazer over the top. I styled my hair earlier, deciding to leave my hat off for tonight. I went over to my wardrobe and opened it, pulling a drawer open. Inside was all of my jewelry: rings, bracelets, watches, and earrings. I didn't wear my earrings all the time, but tonight I thought I would.

I had several piercings in each ear, and I wore silver studs and diamond studs. I put my favorite Rolex watch on, and my usual rings: my favorite silver ring with the blue stone, and 3 other silver rings that I had gotten from family over the years. I finished the look by putting light makeup on – some foundation over the mark on my neck that Y/N gave me, and some Chapstick on my lips. My lips were always getting dry, it drove me nuts.

Before I left my room I sprayed my favorite cologne on and I slipped my dress shoes on. I almost forgot to put my contacts in, so I hurried and did that as well. Y/N hadn't seen me in glasses yet, but I wore them a lot around the house and contacts when I was out and about. I had trouble putting the contacts in, and Lil often had to help me do it in the mornings.

Downstairs in the kitchen Lil was just finishing up dinner as I grabbed my keys from the tray on the counter. I touched my back pocket, feeling my wallet there, having grabbed it as soon as I put my slacks on.

"Well look at you, Master Yoongi. All dressed up for your Y/N! Tsk, you are such a handsome man. You know we love that girl, Yoongi. Why haven't you made her your girlfriend, boy," she asked, shaking a spatula at me. I looked at the spatula and cocked a brow, remember the times she spanked me with it when I was a kid. She kept that beat up utensil out of endearment, which I thought was just weird.

I didn't want to answer her question but I knew I had better give her some response or she wouldn't leave me alone about it. "It's not the right time for that, Lil, okay?"

She obviously didn't like that answer, as she scoffed at my response saying, "Well I've seen how you are around her, and how she is with you. You've got a damn hickey on your neck, boy, and I've seen you kiss her more than once. God only knows what has happened upstairs. Don't you think it's about time you make it official, before you two end up having kids before you've even graduated," she shot back, her voice raised a little bit.

I could tell my response to her initial question pissed her off, and I knew she was just coming from a place of love as she was like a second mother to me, but I didn't like being put on the spot. Especially when it came to Y/N. I wasn't ready to admit to everyone just how much I cared about her, as I knew by admitting it I would have to do something about it, and fuck me but I was scared.

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