Chapter 30: Coming To Blows

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A/N: Please note that there is some discriminatory remarks in this chapter. While I blocked the actual derogatory word, it's apparent what is being said. I hate when people are racist or derogatory to another based on their sexuality, gender identity, etc.


The rest of the week passed by quickly. Y/N wore her promise ring to school on Monday and her girlfriends ooh'ed and ahh'ed over it, including quite a few other girls who heard about it through the gossip mill that the new kid had gotten his girlfriend a Tiffany's ring. You can get that many a boyfriend there got a slap for not going to such extravagance for them as well.

The hype died down after a day, and then the focus turned to Halloween which was on Thursday. Y/N had her costume ready, and was excited for Yoongi to see it. Hailey and Cheri both planned to dress slutty as usual – Hailey as Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Cheri was going as a naughty schoolgirl. Anna decided she was going to dress up as her favorite Harry Potter character, along with her family as they all planned to go trick or treating together. Y/N and Hailey ended up hanging out at Y/N's house, handing out candy to kids while Yoongi did the same at his house. Yoongi tried asking a couple of times via text what Y/N was wearing, but she refused to answer, telling him he would find out Friday night at the Underground Halloween party.

That week Anna's home-life was slowly improving thanks to Yoongi. Her father was still out of work but he was now moving through the process of collecting unemployment and he started receiving physical therapy. His back was getting much better already, and it was expected that he would be able to return to work in a few more weeks. Yoongi also made it clear that if he returned and was unable to keep roofing or doing other construction, then the company was to find him another position that he could safely do and still earn a paycheck. The company was more than happy to comply, as the Min company provided them with quite a bit of work within their company, as well as referred them out to other companies for work based on performance.

Things at home for Yoongi were tense at times, as he was fighting more than usual with his brother, Dongin. Dongin did not let on but he was insanely jealous of what Yoongi had with Y/N, and when he heard they got serious he became enraged as he was sure he would have been able to get Y/N to be his eventually. He was around more often than usual this week, provoking Yoongi at every turn.

He also made things difficult for him regarding his work, as Yoongi was flooded with phone calls from worried business partners associated with the charity department of the Min company. The talks were that they were hearing reports of instability within the department due to overspending on the CEO's part (Yoongi). This wasn't true, however, as the money allocated for the department was unused for the most part as board approval was required to spend it. Yoongi was forced to admit that he was actually using his own money to fund repairs and upgrades for people at the homeless shelter and those receiving items through the food pantry program. This admission backfired, however, as now Board members were accusing Yoongi of not following protocol when it came to making changes within the department, making it seem as if Yoongi was acting as if he had no one he had to answer to regarding making decisions.

While Yoongi was the CEO, he was still required to go through the Board to make final decisions regarding the department, even if it were for good things that the company had been refusing to pay for in the first place. Things became especially heated when Yoongi found out from a coworker that Dongin was the one stirring up trouble, and had fed the board the lies that the money in the account was being depleted.

It was Friday morning and Yoongi was home instead of being at work. He received a phone call early that morning from an associate within the company that Dongin was behind it all. Yoongi then called in to the workers on site at the Homeless Shelter to state he would be late coming in to inspect and inventory the incoming items off the trucks. Yoongi sat seething on one of the couches in the great room, eyes glued to the hallway leading to the Spa Room where he knew Dongin would emerge from (Dongin had his rooms in the basement which used to be an underground carport at one time. It was now converted into an apartment, and he came and went through a secluded entrance located just outside the Spa Room).

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