Chapter 61: Q & A: Answers!

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Q & A For:

Author (me): 

Q: What was your favorite chapter?

A: Hard to say, as I loved writing all of them. If I HAD to choose - it would probably be the first time they made love. And I say made love because that first time that Y/N and Yoongi were together was the most intimate. Sure, we all love a good down n dirty f*king....but, that one was just so special.

Q: How did you come up with this story? From the first thought to the ending, have you changed anything during the way?

A: So when I was around 13 I had started writing a story called Summer Days about a love story between a teenager and a boy she meets while working at the carnival. When I decided to write "Chasing Yoongi", I wanted to have it set in high-school and have Yoongi be a "fish out of water" type of character. Once I decided that, the story just flowed out. I would literally dream the scenes...hear them talking in my head, and have to quickly go write it all down. Other times I wouldn't know how the story would progress but I'd just start writing and it would come out of me. Many times I am laughing along at their antics right along with all of you!


Q: Where would you propose to Y/n to make it super special?

A: I've mentioned before that Y/N will be my wife, but do you think i'm going to tell you where I am going to propose?? Of course not! Hailey asked you to ask me, didn't she????

Q: Do you want to move back to Korea with Y/N? Or do you want to stay in America? What about the company? Will you abandon the family business completely to pursue your music?

A: I love Korea and have thought about moving back there but first I would need to discuss things with Y/N and see what her plans are for the future after graduation. I still have that contest in Chicago coming up. If I end up getting a record deal out of it that is based in America - well, there is your answer. I guess we will see. Regarding the company, I don't want to see it fail but I also have zero passion to run it as CEO if my father and brother were no longer part of it. So I guess we will see on that as well, what happens in the future. 

Q: What happened with your brother and father?

A: That will be coming up in the Epilogue, the author told me to say. What I can tell you is alot of shit went down, and I had a big mess to clean up. I'll explain it all in a flashback scene probably. You know how I am with my love for talking about the past and history.


Q: Do you want to move to Korea with Yoongi and the boys?

A: Well, Y/N? Do you? Answer here ------------------>


Q: How do you keep being badass? How do you have so much confidence?

A: Yeah so the author says I'm actually part of her personality - like her alter ego. Fuck if I know, to be honest. All I know is I was glad I was written into this story. It is about time my awesomeness is forever immortalized in print. Oh and about confidence: Zero fucks. Zero fucks given to those who don't pay your bills, lift you up, or help you do good in the world. Those people don't matter. 

Q: How many guys have u banged and then left?

A: What the fuck kind of a question is that?? Dude - I've only had sex with 1 guy and it was like last year or something. It wasn't memorable and he was a real douchebag. I haven't had any actual boyfriends....ya I know, sad. I have hopes for Joon and I, though!

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