Chapter 14: Plans and Birthdays

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Third Person POV

Y/N and Irene were walking around the ruins, with the AI now back online and guiding them through it.

AI: This is the Jumper Bay, where Puddle Jumpers are stored.

Irene: Do you think there is a place where we can put Judgement?

AI: How big is this...Judgement?

Irene: Well, it's 12 meters tall. 

AI: Hmm, follow me.

The AI then turned on the dim lights, showing a walkway into a new area that had a gigantic bay. 

AI: This is where we used to store our Seed Ships, the previous recording has said these ships used to span over 20 meters tall. 

Y/N: That's...impressive, anywhere else?

AI: The tour of Sparta is now officially over, you know where you need to go, you will be fine.

Y/N: Thanks, Aurora, we'll see you later!

AI: Goodbye, shutting down...

The lights in the City-Ship dimmed once more as Y/N and Irene walked to the laboratory of the City-Ship.

Irene: What are you planning to do now?

Y/N: Well, I'm thinking of clearing out the laboratory and making it the Workbench room, we do need a home base here so I'm thinking of making the Operations Center our main base here.

Irene: Alright, but what about the fleets? We do need to somehow pilot all one hundred of Puddle Jumpers.

Y/N: True true, we could possibly make robot bodies for the AI to take over and control that. 

Irene: You know, you are becoming a lot smarter lately.

Y/N: Well, after that last event along with the quests, I gained a lot of stat points 150 to be exact.

Irene: Since when-

Y/N: There was 40 stat points gained from the event,70 gained from the gods, and 40 gained for the Bonus Rewards.

Irene: Oh right, the Bonus quest, what did you get from that?

Y/N: Just a couple of metals and a stygian iron short-sword, along with a strange scythe...

Irene: What does the staff look like?

Y/N: Let me pull it out.

Y/N then summoned the scythe out of his inventory showing it in all its beauty.

Y/N then summoned the scythe out of his inventory showing it in all its beauty

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Irene: Wow...what are its stats?

Y/N: It's a growing item, observe.

Scythe of Death

A weapon that was used by the Grim Reaper, it was once used to take lives and bring the souls to the afterlife.

Durability: 40,000/40,000

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