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I was laying down and bright lights were over me. I started to move back and into the CT scan. I sighed and arms were uncomfortable under my head. I didn't have my oxygen tube on and it was so hard to breathe. I don't think I've ever felt this much pain before.

"Jughead, are you ok?" Doctor Flora asked. She was one of my other doctors. She's back from maternity leave.

"Yes." I shouted. I started coughing and I felt the mucus come up into my mouth. I gulped it back down and tried to take deep breaths. I closed my eyes and started thinking about something else. A warm place. I was there for a good minute. I was being pulled out from the scanner and back into the room. I stood up and changed out of my gown and back into my clothes. I put my oxygen tube on and lifted my bag on to my shoulder. I started coughing and swallowed the fluid that came up. I walked out the door and walked to the doctor's office. I knocked on the door and put a mask on. The door opened before I could put gloves on so I just walked into the room. I sat on the bed in there.

"How are you, Jughead?" Doctor Winchester asked.

"I've been better. I just want to know what's wrong with me." I sighed. Doctor Winchester had a sad look on his face and sat down.

"I don't know how to tell you this...but you're suffering from Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Basically, you're lungs are filling up with fluids. It usually leads to organ failure. Most of the time, it's treatable. But because you have Dibbisons...there's nothing we can do about it. Jughead, I'm going to put it in the most simple're going to die." Doctor Winchester nodded. I gulped and I started to get dizzy.

"W-what's the cause of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome?" I questioned.

"Many things. Pneumonia, drug overdose, head injury, almost drowning, sepsis-"

"Doctor Winchester, did you say, almost drowning? I almost drowned a few days ago."

"Then that's probably the cause. But you're going to pass away soon. Life expectancy is at least 5-months. I'm so sorry. But we'll do whatever we can for you. I say that you should go home. Spend time with family and friends. It's the only thing you can do. I'll talk to Doctor Cooper because you should go home."

"Okay. Thank you for everything. I just...I wanna be alone right now." I sighed. Doctor Winchester gave a nod. I stood up and ran out of the room. As I walked down the hall, my mind had so many questions. What about everyone I left in Seattle? What about Betty? What about Jellybean and my parents? But I couldn't think about that now. All I needed to think about was how I was going to live my last months.

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