New Year's Party

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"Thank you, Jughead. I really appreciate you letting me stay here for a few days." Leah sighed.

"It's no problem. It was really good to see you. Even though you stayed for 4-days instead of two. Say hi to everyone for me, ok?"

"Of course. I'll see you later, loser." Leah weakly smiled. I gave a weak smile. She picked up her bag and walked to the door. She gave one last look at me and then opened the door. I watched her disappear and the door shut. I sighed to myself and stood up. There was a sudden huge sharp pain in my abdomen. I screamed in pain and fell to floor. I haven't felt this in awhile. I took deep breaths and tried to calm myself down. I reached for my pain killers on my med-cart. I grabbed a couple and took this and put them back. I swallowed them and then took a couple sips of water. I was finally calm and stood up.

I grabbed the Lysol spray. I did a deep spray on my couch with it. I put it back and I lifted up my shirt. I checked my G-tube. It was slightly inflamed, nothing too unnatural. A little medication on it would make it better. I grabbed the liquid medicine and wiped it around the G-tube area. I put it back and then sat on my bed. I touched the oxygen tube on my face. I don't know why, I just did.

After many hours of medication and TV watching, nighttime finally came. Everyone would be drinking and kissing on this fine New Year's Eve, but I'm here. Betty is probably having a blast right now.

I finally fell asleep. I slept because I had nothing else to do. However, I knocked on the door. I shot up from my bed. I walked all the way to the door and opened it. I saw a long line of roses and a small note on the floor. I picked it up and read it.

"Follow the roses and you shall find what you seek. Love, Betty."

"I'm having serious Deja Vu right now, Betts." I shouted. I walked back into my room and grabbed my gloves and mask. I put my jacket on because it was cold in the building. I left my room and followed the petals. It lead all the way to the elevator. There was even a rose petal on one of the buttons. I pressed it and it took me down to the first floor. I continued to follow the trail. It went into the cafeteria. I saw Betty standing outside the cafeteria. She was holding a red rose and was in a pink dress. Her hair was down and curly.

"It took you long enough." She smiled. She walked up to me until we were about 6-feet apart. I couldn't help but but give a smile back.

"What's going on?"

"Well, I figured since you couldn't go to the party, I'd bring the party to you." She said. She turned around and opened the doors. I followed her in and gasped. There was a TV playing, food, streamers, and a lot of people. Doctor Cooper, Mrs. Cooper, Polly, Juniper, Dagwood, Juniper, Charles, Chic, Cheryl, Toni, Stella, Archie, Veronica, and Betty were all there.

"Wow, Betts. You didn't have to do this."

"I know but I wanted to. Now dig in! The food is really good." Betty smiled and walked away. I went over and grabbed a plate. I put a lot of food on my plate. I walked over and sat at a table that was a little far from the crowd. I pulled my mask down and started to stuff my face. Archie came and sat down in front of me. I shook my head and pointed to the table next to me. He moved to that table.

"Are you enjoying the meatballs?" Archie asked. I nodded. " long have you and Betty been together?"

"We we've been with each other for 8-months. Well, kind of. We've had a lot of problems in our relationship and a lot of breaks. But technically 8-months."

"That's cool, man. She really loves you, a lot." Archie weakly smiled and turned around. He looked at Betty and Stella. I looked at them too.

"Hey, Archie. If you like Stella, just go for it. I mean ask her to dinner or something. What's the worst that can happen, she says no?"

"Actually, that is the worst that can happen. Betty would also be livid about it. I just don't understand relationships. I mean, how do you and Betty make it work? With all do respect, I'm sure it's hard because you're sick and she's not." Archie sighed.

"It is hard. But when two people wanna be with each other, they work hard for it." I replied. Veronica ran over to us and jumped up and down.

"Boys, it's almost time for the ball drop! Hurry over!" Veronica exclaimed. Archie and I exclaimed smiles. We al walked over to the crowd. I stayed a little far away from them. Then we began to count.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" We all screamed. Doctor Cooper and Mrs. Cooper kissed, Archie kissed his mother's cheek, Veronica and Stella hugged, Polly kissed her babies cheeks, Chic and Charles kissed, and Cheryl and Toni kissed. I laughed and got myself and cup of grape juice. I looked over and saw Betty weakly smiling at me. There was pain in her eyes. She held up her glass and I held up mine.

"I love you." She mouthed.

"I love you too." I mouthed back. We both took sips at the same time. It was quite an eventful evening.

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