A Million Problems PT. 2

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"How?! How could this happen?!" Dad yelled. Archie and I sat on the couch. My parents stood in front of us just yelling at us. We had told my mom and then she called Dad to come over. This is a nightmare.

"Brian, calm down-" Mom began.

"Don't tell me what to do! This guy knocked our daughter up! And she believes she can take of a kid! What do you have to say for yourself, Arckie?"

"It's Archie-"

"I. Don't. Care. Tell me how this happened! Were you guys being unsafe?! Just reckless and stupid-"

"Brian, shut up! Let them speak! Or I will throw you out the door!" Mom yelled. He looked at Archie and groaned. Dad sat down in the chair. Mom took a seat in the other chair. I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Archie and I have been seeing each other for a couple months. I didn't tell you guys because I knew this is how you'd react. Guys, I think I can do it." I nodded. Dad scoffed and shook his head.

"You're eighteen, Stella. You're going to college and this lowlife is staying in Riverdale. Crap." Dad muttered.

"Honey, it your guys' choice. I got pregnant with Abby in college! Is that right, Brian?" Mom looked over at Dad. He nodded and I sighed.

"You also don't have Cystic Fibrosis."

"Brian! Let's go have a talk outside." Mom yelled. She yanked Dad's arm and pulled him out the backdoor. They shut the door and it was just Archie and I. He put his hand on my shoulder and all I could do was groan.

"I feel stupid." I whispered.

"You're anything but stupid, Stella. I just...I want what's best for our son or daughter." Archie replied. I looked at him and started crying.

"That's the thing. You're looking at me...and all you see is a mistake. Archie, I care about you so much. And I'm looking at you in the face, and you don't wanna be dad. And it's because I care about you, I'm not going to force you to be."


"Hold on, Archie. You're a handsome and healthy boy. I'm not. I'm not cute and I'm weird. I'm also sick. And this might be my only chance to have a child. So, I'm keeping my baby. Don't worry, you don't have to take care of the kid. I've taken care of myself my whole life. I think I can do it with another person, all by myself." I said getting up. He pulled my arm and I sat back down on the couch.

"You're cute, Stella. You're everything a person could want and I don't deserve you. I don't deserve a small version of you. And I'm not ready to be a dad! I can't be a dad!" Archie shouted. I sighed and turned my body away from him.

"Then go home. I've got it from here."

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