Best Friend

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"Betty, let me help you." Stella said. She helped me take off my makeup. I just kept crying. I was just really hurt from my mom's words.

"W-why would she say something like that?"

"You saw how many wine glasses she had. I'm sure she didn't mean of it. I laid out pajamas on your bed." Stella said. I got up and started to change my clothes. I was trying to not cry.

"That was really mean of her." I said putting on my pajama pants.

"I know it was. But knowing her, tomorrow she's going to be apologizing like crazy. Do you want me to stay the night with you? We can just talk, eat a lot of food, and watch movies." Stella asked. I put my t-shirt on and smiled at her.

"No, it's fine. Go to Archie's room." I smiled at her. She smiled back and stood up. She walked over and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"I'm just down the hall. Come get me if you need me."

"I know. But I won't get you. I'll just be in here by myself." I said. She let go of me. We smiled at each other and she walked to the door. She turned to look at me again.

"Goodnight, Betty."

"Goodnight, Stella. Use protection." I smirked. She scoffed and opened the door.

"Thanks, mom." Stella said sarcastically. She left my room. It was now go time. I put my white-Vans on. I then walked over at put my black-coat on. I turned off my light and put pillows under my blanket. Now it looks like I'm sleeping. I walked over to my window and opened it. I jumped out and landed in the yard. I groaned when I landed.

I walked down the street. I want to be with Jughead. Right now. I was about 10-minutes away from his house. It's been a few days since I've seen him.

I found his house. I made my way to the back and found the window to his room. I found a pebble and threw it at the window. Nothing. I picked up another one and threw it again. I made a pile of pebbles and started chucking them at his window. Soon enough, he opened it.

"Betty, it's 9:30PM(21:30). What are you doing here? And there's such thing as a front door." Jughead said. I smiled.

"I've missed you for the past couple days. I really needed to see you. Could you come outside?" I asked. He nodded and shut his window. I walked back around to the front yard. A couple minutes later, he came outside. He had his bag with his oxygen concentrator. He wore gloves and kept his distance from me.

"Betty, why are you here? Are you hurt?"

"No! No! Why does there always have to be a reason to see you?! Maybe I just wanna be here?!" I shouted and threw my arms up in irritation.

"Woah, Betts. Ok, take a breath. I'm just confused." Jughead shrugged. I took a step closer to him. I sighed.

"I'm leaving for college in three months. I wanna make the most of what time we have. Let's spend this night together." I smiled and grabbed his hand. We pulled away from each other until our arms were completely stretched out.

"Where are we going, Tracy Flick?" Jughead asked. I looked over at him and grinned.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

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