Mind Is A Prison

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"His lung function has dropped to 24%. His other organs seem to very slowly be dropping as well. I don't know what you guys want to do. I talked to Jughead but he asked for you." Doctor Cooper nodded. I looked at my parents that were sitting on the couch.

"What will happen if his lungs drop to 20%?" Mom asked.

"He will most likely fall into a coma. He's currently on the transplant list. No luck so far."

"What about a lot of treatments a day?" Dad asked.

"Even if we did do that, it won't fix anything. Jughead...he's just too sick. The process is going a lot faster than we thought. We've assigned Jughead to three-inhalers, the afflovest at least six times a day, five breathing treatments, and fifteen medications. He needs to start exercising and go on a diet. I'm also putting Jughead on a few steroids. Last but not least, to call my daughter." Doctor Cooper looked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think it's gonna work-"

"No! Don't give up! You have something amazing going for you right now. You have Betty. She's something...something that Dibbisons doesn't want you to have." Dad shouted. This not how I wanted my night to go. But I honestly don't care at this point.

"I'm gonna go. Why don't I show both of you out?" Doctor Cooper nodded. My parents sighed and got up. They walked out of my room and shut the door. I look over at my phone and then away. I groan and grabbed my phone. I was reluctant to call Betty but I knew it had to be done.

"Jug, I told you that I needed space-"

"I need you to tell me what you feel. I'm sick and tired of being apart all the time. We're always on breaks or arguing. I need you to stop being so scared all the time."

"You think I'm scared? I'm not scared. You're the one that doesn't tell me things. You hide things from me all the time so don't act so innocent. The fact that you couldn't tell me like a man is pathetic! You're pathetic!" Betty shouted.

"Ok, Saint Betty. Don't act like you're so innocent either. It's not my fault you can't handle being with someone like me. I told you from the very beginning to stay away but no! You had to get close with me! Are you that desperate for boys to like you?!" I yelled. I heard Betty cry through the phone.

"Screw you, Jughead! I guess...you just aren't the guy I thought you were." Betty sighed.

"I guess you just aren't the girl I thought you were. For 13-years, I have been able to deal with my disease just fine. Go live your life." I said. I hung up and set my phone on my bed. I felt my lip quiver and a hard lump in my throat. No matter what, I manage to mess things up with her. That's when it happened. I started crying.

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