Check Up

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"It's ok. Stay calm." Doctor Cooper whispered as I was coughing up blood into the trash can in his room. My chest had sharp pains and my ribs hurt. Pain is apart of dying young.

"We know that his lungs are at a 29%. Do you think that it has dropped anymore?" Mom asked. Seriously? That's what she asked?

"We'll have to wait until the results to come. They'll come back to your house in a couple days. It wouldn't surprise me if they did. I would also like to get into a more serious topic. I would like to discuss...hospice. A permanent room there because of Jughead's life expectancy." Doctor Cooper sat down in his chair. I wiped my mouth and walked back to the bed in the doctor's office. I sat down and put my mask back on.

"No offense, Doctor Cooper, but you also said that Jughead was going to live his ninth birthday. He's 18-years old and is killing it in life." Dad chuckled. Nobody laughed.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Mr. Jones. Jughead would be better here in the hospital. Look at him. Take good look at him. Jughead looks unhealthy and miserable. His skin is pale, lips are slightly blue, and he looks sleep deprived. He doesn't have much time left. The only thing that can save him is a lung transplant but even then, it's extremely rare. It's your choice, but I suggest that you think about hospice."

"Thank you. Come on, boy." Dad sighed.

"My daughter came home crying last night. I don't know why, but I hope it's not because of you. I love both of you, but I'm going to take my daughter's side any day. I'm not going to butt in because you both are legal adults. But Jug, make things right. It'll be best for both of you." Doctor Cooper nodded and opened the door for us to leave. I hurt Betty and I could never forgive myself for it. My family and I walked out of the room and out the doors of the hospital. We walked to our car and got in. I liked the backseat. It allowed me to have my own personal space.

"Jug, you're an adult now. What would you like to do? Do you wanna go into hospice or stay home? Do you wanna stay home over the holidays?" Mom said.

"I don't know. This all happened immediately and I don't even have much time to think about it. I mean, I'd like to be home for Christmas." I said.

"I have an idea. You stay home for Christmas. We'll ask Doctor Cooper to make a room in hospice. Then on December 26, we'll take to the hospital and you'll stay there for the rest of the time until something happens." Dad shrugged. I genuinely liked the plan. But then again, I'll miss home. But I've been away from home for five-months so it doesn't matter.

"I'll think about it."

"Okay. We love you so much, Jug. Thanks for being so amazing." Dad said with tears in his eyes. Father never cried in front of me. He wasn't very emotional. Angry sometimes, but not crying. That's when I realized it.

Dad wasn't saying thank you. He was saying goodbye.

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