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"Daddy, hold my hand!" I cried out. I was seven and I had viral pneumonia. It was really hard on my lungs and I was super sick. I was in the hospital. I wore an oxygen tube and had all kind of tubes in my body.

"I can't, Buddy. It's going to be ok. Just think of the stars." Dad smiled. I was breathing rapidly and coughing super hard. "What's going on?"

"His BPM has raised up to 149. His oxygen levels are at an 88. His fever has gone all the way up to 109. Nurse Barb, go get the bag of liquid steroids! Hurry!" Doctor Cooper yelled. I looked around. I thought I was going to die. I looked at my parents and just cried.

"Am I gonna go to Heaven? Am I gonna be with Hot Dog?" I asked. Dad broke into tears rushed out of the room. Mom sighed and got by my side. She weakly smiled and shushed me.

"No, honey. You're going to be just fine. You're going to live and grow up. You're going to have friends and go to school, you're gonna get married and have children. Baby, don't cry. You're going to grow up. Ok?" Mom smiled. I nodded and coughed a lot more. Nurse Barb ran back in and they set up the liquid steroids and injected it into my arm. I then saw a syringe.

"Ok, it's going to be just a little pinch. Ok?" Nurse Barb whispered. She injected it into me. I started getting really tired a couple minutes later. I ended up falling asleep. The pain was suddenly gone. Maybe I had died. Maybe I was going into an afterlife or something. I had a good seven years. Why-

I woke up. I don't know what time it was but I did. The room wasn't super bright. The lamp was on and there weren't as many things in my body. There were just two IVs in my right arm. My oxygen tube was still wrapped around my face. I looked over and saw a little girl in my room. She stood at the edge of my bed. I couldn't help but sit up.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." She whispered.

"No, it's ok. You didn't wake me. Step back though. I'm really sick." I replied. She took a couple steps back. She had blonde-hair and blue-eyes. She wore a pink polo and pair of blue-shorts.

"What are you sick with?"

"Dibbisons. It's a lung and belly disease."

"Oh, my friend has something like that. She has CF and she's in the hospital a lot too. I can't imagine being away from family." The little girl shook her head.

"It's not too bad. You can get ice cream whenever you want. I love ice cream." I smiled.

"Me too." She smiled. We smiled at each other. Maybe she could be my friend. But friends have to know each other's names. I had to ask her.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"My name is B-" She began. Nurse Barb walked in and gasped. She looked over at me and then back at her. She took her hand and weakly smiled.

"Come on, your dad's waiting to take you home. A hospital isn't a place for little girls like you. Come along. As for you, boy, go back to sleep. You are trying to fight off pneumonia." Nurse Barb said. Barb pulled the little girl out of the room. We just kept staring at each other until she was out of sight. And then, I was alone again.

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