Family Dinner PT. 1

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The last few days have been peaceful. No Donna and no drama. It was really nice. Jughead was able to go home today. He's just bruised up and has cuts but he's not in pain anymore. Stella and Archie have been spending a lot of time together. I'm really happy for them. Veronica started dating Reggie and they're really cute too.

I put on my lipstick in the mirror. We were having a family get together tonight. My Cooper grandparents, Polly and her kids, Charles and Chic, and Stella were all coming over for dinner. I was really excited. Stella walked into my room and room and smiled at me.

"Girl, you look so cute." Stella smiled. I laughed and she walked over to my side. I looked over at her. Her hair was half-up and she was wearing a yellow-dress with flowers on it. She had light makeup on.

"Girl, you look even cuter. Did I tell you that Jughead went home today?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No, you didn't. How is he?"

"He's not in any pain or anything. He's still just pissed that Donna and her stonies beat the crap out of him. I would be too. Oh, you should've heard it! So last night, Aunt Mary started drilling Archie about his house guest aka you. It was so funny." I laughed. Stella gave a giggled and then sighed. I stood up and took Stella's hand. I spun her around. She laughed and we took each other's hands.

"Betty, what if your family doesn't like me? What if they went Archie and I to break up?" Stella asked.

"They're gonna love you! Stella Grant, you're perfect! Ok? Now, go out there and go get your man. Go!" I shouted. Stella laughed and let go of my hands. She left my room and I exhaled. I went out of my room a couple minutes later and went downstairs. I saw all of my family. Grandpa Cooper laughed and then gave me a hug. I hugged him back and then let go of him.

"We haven't talked in over a year! How are you, sugar?" Grandpa Cooper smiled and pinched my cheek.

"I'm really good. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. You're so gorgeous! Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I do. You'd love him, Grandpa Cooper. He's very funny." I smiled. Grandpa Cooper have a chuckle and then walked away. Archie walked over to me. He looked panicked. I don't think I've ever seen him look like that. He's usually really chill and calm. But we can solve whatever it going on.

"Betty, I need your help. Dinner is supposed to start any minute now. What am I supposed to say about Stella? What about her disease? What about her family? H-how am I supposed to do it?" Archie asked.

"Archie! Calm down! Stella can speak for herself and she will be fine. Just speak from the heart. Now, let's go sit down for dinner."

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