Double Trouble

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"How long has the pain been going on?" Doctor Cooper asked pushing his fingers against my abdomen. The pain in my stomach was excruciating. "Are you digesting food ok?"

"No, not really. I haven't digested in a few days."

"You're probably constipated. Why don't you take laxative tonight and see how it goes. Continue to eat fibers and drink lots of water. If the pain and nothing comes out in a few days, tell me." Doctor Cooper stood up and took his hand off my abdomen. I nodded and the door opened. I turned around and saw my Dad. Doctor Cooper quickly left the room and Dad shut the door behind him.

"Hey, Jug. Is everything good?" Dad asked putting his mask on.

"Hi, Dad. I'm just having some abdomen pain. I'm just constipated and it's not going well. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I actually have something to tell you. It turns out that your cousin, Souphead, is really sick. The family is going down to see him because he's so sick. It's probably gonna be for a couple months. We're leaving on Friday and we're not gonna be back until March." Dad said. I stood up and groaned.

"What about JB? She's only 13-years old. She can't be home alone by herself for 2-months! As her older brother, I forbid it." I shouted.

"Well, she's not. She's going to stay with Uncle Hiram and Aunt Hermione for a couple months. That means that your hospital stay is going to last longer than what we though. You will be able to go home in late March." Dad nodded. This was probably for the best. My health problems seem to be getting worse.

"Dad, is that really a good idea? We have a lot of beef with Mom's sister and her family." I sighed.

"Trust me, boy. I'm against it too. But you need to be in the hospital right now. Well, that's all. You're mother and I love you so much. We'll call and FaceTime, ok?" Dad shrugged. I gave another nod and Dad quickly walked out of the room. I just sat back down on my bed and ripped off my oxygen tube. I really need to find some new medical habits.

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