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"Thanks for helping me pack. I know that Mom and Dad would kill me if you were here." I said. Jellybean taped a box and looked at me. The mask went up to the edge of her bottom eyelids and underneath her chin. She wore gloves and went very quick with the packing.

"It's really no problem, Jughead. I'm happy you're going home. We just can't tell Mom or Dad. Anyways, how are things with Betty and Stella? Have they figured things out yet?" Jellybean asked.

"No, not yet. Stella stood Betty up. I'm trying to not get involved. This is a Stella, Betty, and Archie problem." I replied. Jellybean started laughing.

"Honestly, that's a lot of drama. When I get to 8th grade in September, will there be that much drama?"

"I'm not sure. You should just look for the red flags about someone and stay away from the bad kids. It's not a bad thing, JB."

"Yeah, I know. I wish you'd be see me start 8th grade and then high school." Jellybean sighed. I looked over at her and she had tears in her eyes. I was the only person that was truly there for her. My parents were always working. Trying to have enough to pay the bills and help pay for my hospital bills. They were always focused on my health and keeping me alive...but nobody had Jellybean. But I did. And now that I'm going to die, she'll be alone.

"Yeah, me too. But hey, kiddo! Why don't you cheer up? I promise, that when I'm gone, I'll still be here. I'll always be in your heart and you can talk to my grave. You'll have Betty and Doctor Cooper. Don't forget, you're my best friend. And if I had to choose between you and someone else, it'll always be you. Ok?" I asked. A grin came across her face. I knew that would cheer her up.

"I'm gonna go put these boxes in your truck, ok?"

"Alright. The truck is already unlocked." I said. She nodded. JB picked up two boxes and walked out of my room. I looked at my board of pictures. I went over to them and tore them all down. I put them in a box and closed it. Doctor Cooper walked in and crossed his arms.

"Your parents can't know about this. Even though, it's perfectly legal for you to leave. Jughead, I want you to know something. I love you and you're an amazing kid. You're the best boyfriend to my daughter and you're kind to everyone. You're even willing to break the rules for people. But, you just need to be careful. That's it. I'll help take a box to your truck." Doctor Cooper said. He picked up a box and walked out of my room. I picked up the last box and walked out of the room and made sure to shut the door behind me. I walked down the hall and made my way to the elevator. I went in and then down. I went to the first floor and walked out of the hospital. The sun shone for the first time in a very long time and the snow was melting a little bit. It would probably snow tomorrow though. I found my truck and put the last box in the back. I closed it and looked over at Jellybean.

"Do you wanna ride back to the Pembrooke?" I asked and leaned against my truck. Jellybean shook her head.

"No, Smithers is going to pick me up. Thank you for everything. I love you." JB sighed. She walked away before I could say anything. I watched her walk away and I got in the truck. This was really exciting for me. Home at last.

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