Chapter 31

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[ Third POV ]

"Is this India?! This place has a lot of beggars!" Zorome tries to get rid of the Indians begging for money.

"Yes this is India, I actually visited this place once and people know me." Alpha smirks. He waves at a bunch of girls and other men.

"If so, tell them to keep their hands off my pants!" Zorome yells out.


"Are you ready Boingo?" A tall muscular man approaches a child that is not even as tall as his legs.

"Yes, brother." The child said. He carries a book with crazy cartoonist figures.

"Yes, with our teamwork, we are the Oingo Boingo brothers! Boingo can read the future with his book and I can transform into anyone."

"Yes, this is fate. No one can escape fate, now let's see which of those worthless Stranxx users will die first." Boingo flips a page, waiting for pictures to appear.

Oingo and Boingo are sneaking behind the worthless Darling Crusaders!
The worthless beings will decide to drink a cup of tea!
The shop will secretly only have me and Oingo!
The tea they drink is secretly filled with venomous rattlesnake poison.
The Darling Crusaders go "Bwah!" And they fall down and die slowly
Yay! The Oingo Boingo brothers win and will be rewarded by Lord Gio!

"Is that what the pictures say?" Oingo asks Boingo.

Boingo turns back his head, "My Stranxx can read the future, of course no one can defeat fate."

Oingo carries Boingo on his shoulder, "Then let's get them Boingo!"

"Yes brother!"


After escaping from the beggars, the rest of the crew walks through a town, looking for a rental car they can borrow. "Remember, we need a car if we wanna get to Egypt as fast as we can." Ichigo says.

"Yes yes, I got it." Zorome sighs, he spots a cafe inside that was secretly staged by Oingo and Boingo. "Hey let's all get a drink from that cafe!" He points at the specific cafe with Oingo as the waiter.

"Sure, I'm really thirsty as the leader." Ichigo goes in first. The rest go in and sit by a table that was somehow designed for all of them to sit together with.

"Huh? Isn't it strange that this table somehow coincidentally fits us all." Futoshi looks at the menu paper. "It's just a coincidence Futoshi, no need to be worry if an enemy shows up." Zorome looks through the menu as well with Futoshi.

"Can I get a drink for all of you?" Oingo disguised as a waiter, a huge waiter stares at them very intently. Everyone looks at him with a surprise.

"This cafe is way too creepy! Let's go to the one across to it!" Zorome stands up, ready to leave.

Oingo looks back at Boingo who was hiding behind the counter with his book.

I hope you're right Boingo! Oingo thought.

It is fate, destiny cannot be changed. Boingo nods.

"Well I guess we can go-." Ichigo cuts off her sentence and sees the other cafe across from this cafe, burning. "You know what, let's order here." They all sit back down as Oingo smiles devilishly.

"We would like Pepsi for all of us." Alpha orders.

"PEPSI???!!" Oingo screams out, giving away his disguise.

"Is something wrong with that?" Hiro asks.

Oingo shakes his head, "N-No nothing wrong sir. Warm Pepsis coming up." He writes it down on his notepad.

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