Chapter 31: Breaking Point pt.1

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Aizawa POV

It had been what Eraserhead assumed was three days, based off his meal schedule. She brought him food and water regularly, usually after he had passed out after the "retributions". The punishments mostly involved knives and sometimes lack of oxygen from laughing. She would bring a new painful event to the table every time, as a sort of "this was for when you did _______" He was beat up, but she would give him proper medical treatment and regular food. She said it was to keep her "patient" healthy for the next round, but when he asked, he noticed she faltered.

His plan, which he had been building these last three days, was to wait until it was time for her to feed him when she cuffed him and unchained him from the wall to eat. She would be watching him eat, but the plan was to wear her down before she un-cuffed him, so he had a better chance of escaping.

He was going to take her with him this time, with or without her consent.

If that means I have to knock her out, I will...but hopefully it won't come to that...

He hadn't been beaten that day yet, and he had gotten a good nights sleep, all things considered. He figured now would be the best time to act. He had been chipping away at her emotional walls these last few days, so that should make today easier. This didn't stop the punishments, but it slowed her down. He would try to reason with her, and as much as it pained him to do so, he would occasionally show some emotion, which is what seemed to break her the most.

He had been waiting for his breakfast since he woke up. He wondered if Mic and Midnight had a plan to find him. He was sure they had, but he also knew it was unrealistic to count on them finding him any time soon. After this amount of time, he was also sure that Hizashi had told Nezu what happened, and enlisted other Heroes to help the search. However, if they saw him like this with her, they would treat her like a villain, and he can't have that. So he needed to work fast, and try his best to fix his mistakes. He may need to use a last resort though...

The door make a small clanking sound as Madame Maniacal walked in with his food.

"Morning, Aizawa!"

He lifted his head.

"You called me Aizawa..." he muttered.

"...What?" she asked, moving closer to hear.

"You didn't call me Eraser...You called me Aizawa."

She realizes what he said and was startled.

"Yeah, well, don't get any ideas. After this, it's time to get back to work!"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Ugh, we've been over this..."

"No...why are you doing this, Joke?"

"I....I-I'm getting revenge for what you did to me...Do you get the point yet? Do you understand what you did to me now?" She replied, walking over and handcuffing him.

She didn't yell at me when I called her Joke. That's good.

"Yes. I understand what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, and I'm truly sorry, Joke. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. The best I can do is offer you redemption."

"Redemption?..." she paused while undoing his wall chains. "There's no redemption for me...It's too late."

"No, it's not. It's never to late." He said, reaching his hand out for her to take it.

She looked down at the hand offered to her that was now unbound from the wall hesitantly.

"But...I've hurt people...I've hurt you. Why would you give me a chance like this?"

He looked her dead in the eye, standing up to face her at eye level. She barely breathed, waiting for an answer.

"Because everyone deserves a second chance."

She gasped as she was suddenly thrown back into her memories.


"Why would you get that close to him, Joke? He could've killed you!" Aizawa yelled.

"Well, I could see he was hurting, and I wanted to see if I could help. That's what we're all about, right? Helping!", she smiled, "Even the bad guys."

Aizawa looked at her, bewildered. She was bruised and bloody from the villain attacking her once she got closer to help. He just couldn't understand. His brain only worked logically, so the fact that she was willing to do something so reckless was beyond him.

She looks up at him once more, now that her arm was bandaged.

"I think everyone deserves a second chance, even the bad guys. Don't you?" She beams.


Madame Maniacal faltered back from her memories and clutched her head.

Shut up, shut up, shut up!

He's trying to help us!

I said shut up!

Aizawa looked at his friend in pain with concern.

I may have to do it after all. If it works though, it will be worth it...

"Ugh!! Shut up!! Get out of my head!!!" she yelled, tears beginning to fall down her face.

"That's right, Joke. I'm not your enemy, she is. Fight it!" Aizawa encouraged.

She was clutching her head, stumbling about the room, trying to regain control.

"No!" she pants, finally regaining some control. "Shut up!"

"Fight it!" he yelled.

She ran up to him in frustration, tears running down her cheeks, fist raised to punch him in the face.


Just as she was about to hit him, he did something unexpected. He raised his handcuffs over his head, and put them over her head, trapping her. Once the cuffs were over her neck, he grabbed her cheeks and forcefully kissed her.

Her eyes widened in shock, but she noticed that his were closed, eyebrows furrowed with emotion.


"Quick, kiss me."

She wasn't sure she heard him correctly. He wants her to kiss him?

"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable." he urged, as if that cleared up everything.

"Look, I know I'm charming and all, but we just met, and-"

"Oh for Gods sake." he  muttered, rolling his eyes. Leaving one hand near her shoulder and  moving the other to her waist, he pulled her in and kissed her deeply.


She awoke from the memory and noticed a few tears had escaped Aizawa's eyes. He finally pulled away and looked her in the eyes. They stared at each other for a moment, noses almost touching. Then, out of nowhere, she broke down in tears and buried her face in his chest. Surprised, Aizawa moved his cuffed hands from around her face to her lower back and hugged her.

"It's okay. I'm here." he soothed and she sobbed onto his bloody shirt.

"Well, isn't this touching?"

The two turned around to see Shigaraki standing in the doorway, with his partners in tow.

"Guess we didn't drill it hard enough into your brain, Madame Maniacal. But don't worry," he grinned.

"We can fix that."

THANKS TO @emrald.cosplays for her role as Aizawa!!!!

There ya go, some more angst for your day! Don't forget to vote and comment!!


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