Coffee and plan A

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"Are you sure na it's gonna work ?" harshal asked santoshi.

"Yeah, I am damn sure." santoshi replied.

"You know, if we get caught into this then I will be dead." harshal said.

"Nothing going to happen and if you get caught into this. Then take a deep breath and kissed her in front of everyone. She won't talk to you till you reached at home. And with this you will be safe." santoshi said while helping  savi with her dress.

"huh ?" harshal asked.

"Yeah. Don't ever doubt on my plan. My plan always work." santoshi said.

"Okay." harshal said.

"Are you done shona ?" santoshi asked gayatri. Gaaytri opened door of her bedroom and came out of the room while clipping her hair with pin.

 Gaaytri opened door of her bedroom and came out of the room while clipping her hair with pin

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"I am ready !" gayatri said with smile. She tried to ignore harshal completely as he didn't even exist beside santoshi.

"Okay then let's go !" santoshi said.

"I wanna be with mau." savi said as she jumped from the table and went to gayatri.

"Yeah !" gayatri said as she took savi's hand in her and went towards the door.

"If your daughter kept clings to her then how I am going to have her after this ?" harshal whispered into santoshi's ear.

"I will take care of it. You do what you have told to do. Don't be over smart." santoshi said as she went out leaving clueless harshal behind her.

Harshal sighed and followed santoshi without saying or asking anything. Santoshi reached near gayatri who were playing with savi as harshal came close to santoshi, santoshi winked at harshal. Harshal went to grab his car as santoshi said,

"Oh, how duffer i am."

"What happened ?" gayatri asked while looking up to her.

"I forgot to grab savi's bag from the table." santoshi said.

"Ohh then go and grab the bag." gayatri said very easily.

"Oh actually can you do that for me shona. Till then I will handle savi." santoshi said.

Gayatri took a look of santoshi but gave savi to her and went to grab a bag. As gayatri left, santoshi picked up savi and said,

"savi, can you do one thing for me and if you do that then I will give you lot of chocolates." santoshi said as savi nodded her head in yes.

"Okay now listen, when your mau will try to sit with us in the backseat you will tell her that she don't have to sit with us." santoshi said as savi nodded her head in yes.

"good girl !" santoshi said as savi giggled. While gayatri could come back harshal came in front of santoshi with a car. Santoshi opened the door and sat down in back seat with savi.

Something between Us (2nd book in "past" series)Where stories live. Discover now