After The Benefits End - Part 37

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*Liv’s POV*

My eye lids flickered open and I could feel a shooting pain in my head. I placed my hand to it and winced...what had happened last night? 

I slowly sat up taking in my new surroundings and realised I wasn’t in my hotel room...where the fuck was I?

I felt the bed sheet move and my attention was taken to the tanned back next to me. For a brief second I almost died....the thought of having sex with anyone bar Dan makes me feel physically sick. But as if on queue he spoke. “Tink stop watching me sleep.”

I giggled to myself as he slowly rolled over “I’m not.”

“You were and you still are.” He replied before slowly opening his eyes.

“Dan what are you doing here?” I ask glancing down at what I was wearing. Realising it was his top. “How did you find me?”

“Don’t you remember what happened last night?”

“Not really.” I replied trying to think back. Dan sat up and looked at me a worried look in his eyes.

“Why? What happened Dan? Why are you here?”

“Tell me what you remember about last night.” He asked, linking our fingers together...I’d missed this.

I sighed before saying “Well I wanted to go out and get drunk...forget everything for one night you know?” he nodded at me but never spoke, allowing me to continue. “So I got ready, got tipsy and headed out to Movida. Things get a bit blurry after that. There was a lad there I think...but I’m not sure.”

“There you know who he was?”

“Not that I know of. Why? What happened? I didn’t do anything with him...I wouldn’t...not with a stranger.”

“Yea I know. Don’t panic. Nothing happened with him. I got to you in time.” He smiled tight lipped rubbing his thumb over my hand.

“What do you mean stopped him?”

Dan’s eyes dropped from mine to our hands.

“He erm...”

“Tell me Dan...what happened?”

“He tried to rape you .” Dan mumbled before his glance met mine once again.

I couldn’t speak. It felt as if my tongue had vanished and my throat was as dry as the desert.

“Who? What? When? Why? Who?” I begin to panic...what state had I gotten myself into last night?

I thought back, trying to remember what happened but I couldn’t think.

“Lucien.” Dan whispered looking at me. I was puzzled...who was Lucien?


“That lad from last night...his name was know as in Amy’s sisters boyfriend...” Dan began. Then it hit me...Lucien...I remembered.

He had me in the boys toilets until Dan saved me.

My hands flew to my mouth as tears began to fall down my cheeks. “Oh my god.”

“Everything is fine, he never touched you. I made sure of that.”

“Thank you.” I whispered still in complete shock

“I’m so sorry for everything Tink.” Dan sniffed

“Why are you crying Dan? You’ve nothing to be sorry for.”

“Because this is my all is.”

“No it’s not....I was the stupid girl who got so drunk that I never knew what was going on.”

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