Chapter Forty-Nine: Super Bowl

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The show that night I was on edge. I had been on edge for the past few weeks. This weekend was the weekend of the super bowl. Dad and mom weren't sportspeople. I sat in a rental house with the All Time Low guys. My parents were renting the house beside us which I guess wasn't so bad. Lisa had flown out for this weekend. As we sat around a table the guys all drinking. I sat there with everyone and started to cough. I managed to choke on my water being the baby I was I refused to drink with everyone. Ryleigh had a beer but wasn't drinking I don't think.

Everyone was cheering for different teams and placing bets. Rian was in charge of all the bets and making sure no one stole or took money off the table after it was placed. Jack patted my back and began to rub his hand up and down my back. I hummed and leaned into his side. Jack kissed the top of my forehead.

"You good?" Ryleigh asked once I finally stopped coughing.

I gave her a thumbs up then flipped her off. Jack chuckled as the game reached the fourth quarter. Being honest neither of the teams were the ones we wanted to cheer for. I decided to get up with 10 minutes left on the clock while Alex began to scream at the tv. Rian and Zack Merrick chuckled while Lisa rubbed Alex's shoulder. Ryleigh looked at me as I stood up stretching.

"Hey, where you going?" Jack said leaning his head back as I walked behind the sofa.

I shrugged and smiled. I went to the fridge and grabbed an alcoholic beverage from the fridge. I popped the top open as Rian walked in waving at me. I saluted him and then walked toward the room Jack and I was sharing. I went over to the desk where I had a notebook and a pencil set up. I began to scribble simple words and pondered the thoughts I had been thinking lately.

'To whom do you think you are?

Ripping my heart from my soul

Coughing up the water


I heard the door open and I stopped writing. I turned around in the skinny chair as Jack walked in stripping his shirt off. I looked at Jack as he came over and started to read over my shoulder. I sighed and threw my weight back into the chair as he grabbed the chair so I didn't tip it back into him and knock us both over.

"Why can't I write anything of value or purpose?" I rubbed my face roughly with my hands.

Jack rubbed my back and I looked at him as he stopped at him as he smiled at me lazily. I smiled back at him as he pulled me away from my writing. I looked at Jack groaning as he pulled me away from the desk.

"Jack," I whined as he picked me up from the desk.

"Logan," Jack drew out the 'n' in my name.

"Jack I just... I don't know," I chuckled as he threw me onto the bed with a huff.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of my girlfriend?" Jack said and threw himself on the bed as I chuckled.

"A lot," I whispered softly as Jack smirked at me.

Jack had been suggestive all week. He had made more dick jokes than I could count. Everyone I think was a little annoyed with the dick jokes. It was a jack thing though so we couldn't tell him to knock it off. Well, I think Ryleigh did and Ryleigh said something about cutting off his dick if he didn't stop. I don't really remember my mind has been a fog since the day Jack and I told the fans we were together.

The fans were mostly nice. There were a few people who were rather rude. By a few I mean it felt like a lot of fans but really it wasn't that many. There were so many positive comments but there was also what felt like just as many negative comments. I had been hiding my fear that maybe Jack would see the comments and find truth in them.

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