Chapter 1: The Pilot

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Evan's POV

"Yes...I know, I know. Okay. I'm sure it won't be serious next time- okay that sounded bad. Sorry." Immediately after I replied to my mother with the nonsense bullshit apology, I hung up.

"Evan? Evan, was that your mother," The Nurse of the school questioned me with a concerned look on her face. Now, I couldn't give less crap if she cared or not. This situation happens normally and it's a daily at this point. Either way, no matter what, it's all annoying and I hate it.

"Evan, answer me, please? Don't make you write you up for misbehaving and backtalk."

Now I know she wouldn't do that to me because she never has before. Yet, if it would get her off my back, I'll reply.

"Yes, it was," I mumble with an unintentional rude tone. She sighs as I answer her.

Her hand was suddenly off my face after observing it for any more serious injuries. She checked over and over yet couldn't find anything bad except for one. A scratch on my face that was slightly bleeding due to the guy's long-ass fingernails scraping me.

"Evan, you know you stop getting into these fights. They aren't healthy for you and your body. The principal doesn't want to keep letting you pass like this. The next fight will probably have you expelled."

God, I couldn't care less! To me, it would sound like a vacation to get away from hellish school! So please, Mr. Ross, give me the beauty that is known as being expelled!

When she says that, she gets a small bandage out of the medical kit that was placed on her lap.

"Mrs. M, I don't need a lecture about my fights or health. I've been doing it for a while and I won't stop if everyone in this school keeps fucking provoking me."

Mrs. M stared at me long and hard. She says, slightly raising her voice, "Mr. Fong, do not use that type of language." I roll my eyes because she was acting like my mother. Honestly, almost everyone I know acts like my mother.

I got up from the chair I was sitting on. When I grab the doorknob of the nurse's door, I comment without looking, "Thank you for helping with my injuries that are soon going to form again." After that, I left.

When I look around to see which direction I should go, I notice everyone was staring at me. They weren't trying to make it obvious but it was so fucking obvious. From every direction I could feel glares. I think everyone in this school knows that I hate people staring at me. Probably the reason why most people try to avoid eye contact with me.

As I walk by, everyone whispers about the "amazing" fight that happened out in the courtyard. If my memory jogged me correctly, almost all the students were there. The school faculty came in clutch for the pour soul I've beaten up and who has become a victim of me.

It was only a couple punches across the face and maybe a broken body part, I forgot which one or two. Honestly, it's not the worse I've done to someone, so the guy is pretty fortunate.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, two taps to be precise. It was aggressive and I knew who it was already.

Annoyingly, I turn around and it was sadly Tyler. He seemed out of breath and was sweating. Fat fucking chance he was running a marathon.

"What now Tyler? I'm not exactly in the mood for jokes or lectures." Before he opens his mouth, I knew what he was going to say and it was-.

"Evan, what the fuck were you thinking?! This is the third fight this week and it's only Tuesday!" I roll my eyes at his comment towards me.

"Tyler, I told you I'm not in the mood for-." "Dude, I was fucking worried! Your mom called me during my Computer Science class and told me to check for any serious injuries on you! Do you even know how much of a damn pain it was to leave during that period!?"

I sigh. "Look, sorry you had to run all this way but it's honestly nothing. The person you should be worried about is the guy I've beaten up. I think I broke his arm." I said that last part so casually where I know that Tyler was pissed. Him being pissed makes me pissed.

I've known Tyler since elementary school and I'm telling you now the only thing that changed about him from all those years ago is that he lost fucking weight. Nothing else changed! He was always taller than me and almost everyone in the school. He has always worried for me and that hasn't changed either in the slightest.

Tyler groans in annoyance and began to rub his face with both of his hands. "Evan..., what did the guy even do to deserve a broken arm...?" I scoff and cross my arms. "Well, for one he was being a dick. The guy walked past me and spilled coffee on me."

And I know after I said that, Tyler gave me the glare as if he was my own mother. I hated it.

"Evan..., I'm trying to stay calm...and you can tell that I'm pissed." He inhales some air and then breathes out as he continues to talk. "Here's the big question, did he say sorry?"

I felt like if I answered or not, Tyler would know the answer. He sighs softly and his body gave out. His stiffness was rested and his anger was somewhat gone.

"So, he did? Evan, you honestly need to stop. You just fought him for no reason and one day that'll get you expelled."

"Will you ever stop giving lectures to me?! I honestly don't pay attention or need them!" "Not until you get it through your stupid head that what you are doing is all wrong." As a response, I just shook my head no and dodge an answer.

"Did you hear about Marcel's party coming up? Do you wanna go?" Tyler raises an eyebrow and looks at me with an 'are you serious?' face.

"Okay then. Anyways I was planning on going anyways with or without you." Tyler sighs as he softly replies, "Why do you even want to?" "Easy. Going to get laid and have some alcohol. Maybe someone will have cocaine or weed to give me." His eyes widen as I say the last part.

"Are you fucking kidding, Evan?"

I wasn't kidding though.

Once again, I didn't say anything and he knew the answer. He sighs heavily and replies, "Fine, I'll just because I don't want you to do stupid shit." I slightly chuckle at his response. "Well, you better keep a close eye because remember the times when I always ran away and you never been able to find me? Even every time when we played hide n seek with everyone in the playground, I always ended up being the last one and even you couldn't find me." "Yeah, but I will in this situation. You'll have no choice but to come out in order to leave. Remember, I'm the one who normally drives you everywhere."

"True...And hey! The party won't be so bad. Someone of your friends is going to be there." He tilts his head and slyly comments as he folds his arms, "Oh really? And who do you think my 'friends' are?"

I smirk as I think. "Well, obviously Marcel, Scotty, Anthony, Brock, Carlos, Lui, David, chicks, strippers which is going to be fun, and probably more." Tyler frowns and comments, "Sure, that'll be fun...I guess."

Most of the people I mentioned aren't his friends. Hell...I've never seen him hang without with anyone anymore since he befriended me and that was a long ass time ago. Sure, he has socialized with others and tried to get along with people but every single damn time, Tyler always picks me over them.

To this day, I have no clue why.

I'm an asshole to him.

"Yo, Evan!" I immediately turn my head again and smirk seeing Marcel with Scotty. They walked up to me with grins across their faces. Scotty elbowed me in the side and says, "So, you coming to the party, man?"

"Of course I am. Never missed one."

From the side, I heard Tyler sigh. He wasn't happy at all to be going to this party but was doing it for the sake of me. He always has done this from the moment I've met him. Honestly, Tyler should know who he's friends with before getting into deep shit with them. Nevermind, scratch that, I'm probably his only friend.

"Evan, come on, before P.E starts, let's go to the bathroom. Bryce brought the good shit with him today." I found myself lightly chuckling at Marcel's words. I knew from the moment I saw Tyler's face again, he was shocked, mortified, and pissed. Lovely.

"I'm down, let's go."

I couldn't be happier to leave Tyler. He has been there for me for too long to the point I think he needs to hang out with someone else.

I've found a new group to be a part of and I couldn't be happier...I guess?

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