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Waking up the following morning was bothersome, not because you couldn't sleep all night, but you didn't want to leave your house and listen to teachers talking and talking and talking

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Waking up the following morning was bothersome, not because you couldn't sleep all night, but you didn't want to leave your house and listen to teachers talking and talking and talking. Plus, you haven't seen Hongjoong since that evening, which made you a little worried. Mingi and Wooyoung didn't see him, as well.

You stood up, still naked, with the skin covered in goosebumps as soon as your feet touched the floor. Suddenly, your head started spinning like crazy, as if you were dead-drunk and you had to place a hand on your bedside table for support to not fall ruinously on the ground. You take your free hand on your forehead. Not hot, no temperature. Though you almost threw up, even if you still haven't eaten anything.

Your gaze fell on the bedside cabinet, where there was the rose Seonghwa gave you the day after the Ouija board happening and noticed something strange. One of the beautiful red and black petals had fallen on the surface of the furniture, something that never happened since you got the flower. From that day, the one when you found the rose on the table, it had never lost a petal, it didn't even need water and yet there it was, marvelous as if it was just picked up.

Maybe it was Seonghwa's fault. Maybe he was so powerful to summon himself, without waiting for you. But then, why giving you this duty when he can come and go whenever he wanted to?

You quickly cast out this thought, yawning and slowly trying to stand up to reach the bathroom and take a hot shower, in hope that the water could wash away your terrible dizziness.

Stroking your body with a sponge, you almost immediately felt better, as though you took a very effective medicine. Your hands passed on your arms, neck, and chest until they reached your abdomen. And, at that moment, all of what happened the night before, surfaced in your mind, making your knees trembling and your face turning red. You had sex with Seonghwa. With a demon! And you liked it!

You slapped your face, waking yourself up from the trance you just fell in, when all the scene from that night repeated in your head, like a movie. Every movement, every sound, every moan, all of his facial expressions. Everything hit you again. He was so handsome yesterday, you wanted to see him like that again and again.

You dashed out of the shower before you could waste some more time and be late for college. You dried your body with a towel and got dressed to reach the kitchen and have a quick breakfast, since you were, once again, in a hurry.

When you finally got at the campus, you could take a deep breath when you realized you weren't late.

In the hallway, you met your friend Wooyoung, who laughed when he saw your face and hair. You didn't have the time to dry and brush it, so it was a mess full of knots.

"What happened to you? Did you just finished fighting with a bear?"

He asked ironically while touching your hair. You puffed, slapping his hand and crossing your arms on your chest. Wooyoung, contrary to you, was perfect. His hair, his clothes, his perfume.

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