Chapter 37

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Mark's POV

She's in a Coma.

God I wish I know what else to do aside from waiting for things to come our way.

Adrianne's mother silently crying in front of me as we wait for the Doctor here in his office. He is saying there's some good news and bad news but either way we have to take risks if its for Adrianne's sake.

"hello everyone" Dr. Cullen greets as he enters the room. We just nod and he seated in front of us.

"Well here's the deal.." He paused looking at us studying our faces when he thought we are just waiting for him to talk he continue.

"There's a serum, well its experimental. But its worth a shot with your consent Adrianne will be the first patient who will try this."

"W-wait you mean you'll going to experiment on her?" I ask Adrianne's mom suddenly holds my hand for my sudden emotion.

"Yes." The Doctor say firmly. "It just came out a week ago. Frankly Adrianne's body rejected the Donor's Bone marrow and with that there's no other way to save her other than a miracle."

I slump on my seat closing my eyes trying to even my breath.

"Its either we take risk or we wait for her to die." The Doctor continued.

"what are the risks Doc? If we have to take it and give light to Adrianne's survival then We will take it." Mrs.Lopez's eyes pleads with her voice shaking.

The Doctor breathe. "Her chance of survival is eighty percent, this is an anti cancer serum developed by Russian Scientists for Patients with Stage 4 Cancers only because it has a side effect nobody wants to have except for a dying patient."

"W-what risks?" I ask reluctantly.

"Adrianne's memory will entirely wipe out. The Serum will not just kill her cancer cells but also has an effect with the part if her brain that will make her forget things."

"She will...forget about us?"

I ask with a heavy heart. Will she forget feelings too?

"Yes." The Doctor added without indiction.

"Then we'll take it."


Ponsi's POV


Mark just nods affirming what he said. Adrianne is still in the ICU waiting for her mother signing the waiver.

"She will unlearn everything? Like everybody she knew?"


"What the Fuck does that even mean?"

I ask again, particularly to nobody. I imagine Adrianne not knowing anybody not remembering her own name who she is.... That hurts. A lot.

"We have to choose. Its either we lost her or she lose us."

Mark's POV

Two weeks later.

"Why she's still not waking up?" I asks the Doctor with the nurse monitoring her BP.

"Patience Mr. Foster, Adrianne's case is also new to us. If she survive she will give a giant leap to science's decades of combat to cancer, she will be Okay let her be in her own time maybe this is a way for everyone who are close to her have time to grasp everything."

Ponsi taps my shoulder gesturing to relax. I look at him and I know his emotions mirrors mine, he loves her too.

The Doctor bid goodbye and Mrs.Lopez went out to order take out. Ponsi stayed we just sat at each side of the Hospital bed just looking at her without talking all those nasty looking tubes were already removed.

Adrianne's eyes suddenly opened. We suddenly stood up and I hold her smiling at her crying I don't know, she's so pale her lips cracks. She looks like a zombie. Well a very beautiful zombie.

"Di... Its me.."

And the worst nightmare happened.

"Who are you and why am I here?"

She tried to move but I bet her muscles are sore for almost one month of coma.

"Its my Mark..."

She shook her head a little. "Please where am I why can't I remember anything?"

"A, you had an operation they injected you with something for you to survive, it costs you your memory."

Ponsi say reluctantly. "Ponsi?" Adrianne said. Why does she remembers his name? And forgets about everything. Ponsi and I just look at each other with questioning eyes. I already called for the nurse to get the doctor.

"A.. Y-you remember?"

Adrianne shakes her head. "I only remember you P... That's how I call you right?"

Ponsi frowns but nods at her. God I am in hell.


Thank you! For the 9,870 reads! :)

Guess what there's a sequel so stay tuned. The reason I have to write book 2 is because I've got 2 years holding this story and its getting old and I can't make a nice ending. So please if you love them read book two soon! Thank you again!


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