Chapter 14

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Adriannes POV

"This hang over is killing me!"

"Come on A drink lots of water, iced water may help and aspirins..."

Pontius on the other line..He sounds sympathetic...

"Oh Dear God I will never drink again!"

I exclaimed rolling on the other side of my bed.

"Sounds promising to me A!" he chuckled.

"Oh shut up now would yah? I think I'm going to be sick P..."

"Oh come on it's been two days already move on with that hang over!"

"Never ever let me drink again P!"

"Who says I will you painted my l car leather seat you puke on-----

"OK OK! I get it!" I can feel my face turned something like as red as a tomato for so much embarassment the thing is I can't even remember anything about a couple of nights ago...

"Ok A, call you later that's our cue! Got to go before the crowd gets wild.."he chuckled and he hanged up..


"OK Class I need to dismiss you an hour early because I have to go to this convention so see you on Monday have a great weekend and don't forget your case studies!"

After I finished my farewell speech all the students chaotically left the room.

Gosh can't believe it! I'm a teacher...Well the Dean let me have my job back as guidance counselor with one condition I will teach some units of Psychology in these argh college students that are so loud obnoxious stubborn human beings, they don't listen to me! They thought I was just like their age gaps God I'm going crazy out here!

"Hola Ms. Lopez..."

Jose and a couple of his friends my latino students approached me as I shoved my things on my Tote bag. They are one of my nuissance students in class,well I think in the whole campus as they always go for detention with their pranks in school, and they are my regular visitors in my guidance office.

"Hey what can I do for you guys?" I asked curiously.

"Well,nada (Nothing)Ms.L we just have something to give you,a token for everything you did to us when we you know always got to detention and well, were not good at this..Naw never mind just accept this por favor"...

Jose said with his heavy Spanish accent pushing something on my table..

"What is this?" I raised an eyebrow as I eye on a paperbag.

"It's home made Ms. L my mama's especialidad her homemade baked goodies..." he said with a grin on his face that I don't really trust...

I took the content out of the paper bag, it's well it's some kind of cake or a brownie you may call..

"Oh Muchas gracias,your Mama must be so sweet.." I smiled at them genuinely

"De Nada (you're welcome) Ms. L, hasta luego (see you later) " and they retreated shoving each other on their way to the door.

"Wait up why does it's called Space Cake?" but it's useless now they were all gone.


I'm bored.

I keep this friendly charming facade to all these people right here in this charity event/convention

The dean sent me here to represent the school for this convention..

Well it's just that I can't stand sitting for hours doing nothing...

It's ironic that I'm on this field but can be bored by things like this.

I let out a deep sigh and stand up getting something to drink when I bumped to somebody...

"Oh sorry..." I apologized as I gazed on who the person was...

"Gretch here's the copy of-------

"Oh I know you..."

My mouth went dry as I looked at Regine's face not to mention the smirking face of her sister raising an eyebrow at me...

"Hey....uhmmm.. what are you doing here?"

"Our father...the governor... organized this event..." Gretchen answered me sarcastically.

"Well I'm bad." I alologized. Trying not to look embarassed.

"So why are you here?" Regine finally asked.

"Uhmm. I kinda represent the school..."

"They let a low flying bitch work in a school?" Gretchen said dramatically.

I was caught off guard by her remarks...and even caught even more off guard that Regine laughed with her...

"Uhmm excuse me?"

"My sister said so much things about you. You nasty bitch trying to get with the boys.."

My mouth fell open,oh my God at my twenty five years of experience I could never expect that i will experience such high school life drama...

"Wow!"... was all I can say narrowing my eyes shaking my head at them..

"Stay.Away.From.Them I am warning you..." Gretchen closed the space between us trying to intimidate me.

"And if I don't?" I asked trying to mask a poker face.

"You will gonna regret it..."

"You cannot possibly fathom the immensity of the fuck that I don't give ladies, so excuse me I have something more productive to do..."

I tried to walk away but Gretchen yanked my elbow.

"Not so fast hoe, you listen carefully stay away from them..."

"Oh I'm sorry, was I supposed to give a fuck?" I asked them with great sarcasm. and leaned closer to them and whispered.

"Don't worry, I'm just a minor threat..." and that I shoved her hand away bumping their shoulders.


Never show weakness in front of your enemy. That's what I learned...In reading the book of Lao Tzu you know the Art of War. and of course I was bullied back then I need to stand for myself when.needed...

I learned my sarcasm... Well mostly from Mark. He taught me very well..

I left the convention early. I need to breathe some fresh air.. I glanced at my watch it's already eight o'clock in the evening, my stomach growls I remember I never had lunch..

I remembered I have some baked goodies on my other bag...


Hey guys what do you think?!"

This chapter is not much but it's needed for what will happen with the next chapter.

Sorry again I made this chapter from my smartphone so... :D

Comment because you know i love to read it!

Laters Baby

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