Chapter 19

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"I don't want to interrupt but what are the things you see whenever you look at her?"

Ellen got suddenly curioused. The audience remained silent far from being loud and wild back when they sang and danced.

"Well..." Pontius paused blushing, Was he blushing? Oh God I can imagine my face right now red as a sun ripened tomato.

"Adrianne is my headache..."

He continued gazing at me. Ellen laughed so as the audience even me. Oh God why did I suddenly felt so excited?

"This smile in my face she caused it. my frown, my wrong, my right, my pain, my happiness Adrianne is my everything the only love of my life."

My mouth fell opened. Ellen suddenly was out of words. The audience's face were all uniformed Pontius' is contagious he mesmerized them all even Cubbie was listening, the crew they all came into view trying to witness a man confessing his undying love, is Pontius some kind of a distant relative of Shakespeare or Nicholas Sparks? They were all taken by the emotion... all except one.. Mark...

"She has this confidence as you see she doesn't wear much make up. She doesn't wear revealing clothes but she loves herself and that made her sexy... she's a woman that doesn't need a man to be happy. She cries over things and get over it the next day.. She’s not perfect but she's the kind of woman any man will take as a wife... “He paused. and smiled at the audience.

"So as what a famous author said I love her because the whole universe conspired to help me find her...meeting her is like finding an angel in hell..."

All was silent I looked at the people around me, they all can't believe what they heard some were crying touched by his words

Am I really like that to him? I didn't realize that tears are escaping from my eyes. When Ellen asked me.

"Dri? You’re crying." she smiled.

"can you say something about what the gentleman just said? It's the most romantic thing I ever heard!" she exclaimed.

My mouth was dry I can't utter a single word. I gathered myself and took a deep breath. My heart is beating fast.

"I--- I don't know what to say he is not like that to me when we are together... You know..." I breathe and continued and looked at Pontius smiling at me.

" Yes, He isn't my boyfriend, because the day I met him I was lost. Broken." I paused trying to gasp some air..

" I can't give him my heart because I already gave it to somebody else.." I saw Mark stiffened in the corner of my eye. I can't stop the tears but I continued.

"but I love his hugs, his smile, his advice, his kindness to me & the times we laugh together. and then just now you know what? I realized.. I just fell in love with our friendship..."

and I hugged Pontius I was now crying, a little bit embarrassed Pontius was shocked but hugged me back burying his face in my hair,  why am I feeling like this? Was his words awaken my suppressed attraction to Pontius? all I can hear was cheers from the audience clapping cheering Pontius' name and mine. We awkwardly broke the hug and I just realized we had a standing ovation... The director said cut. Cubbie punched lightly Pontius arms and hugged me tight. I looked around and I don't see any presence of Mark..

Ellen hugged me tapping my back...Oh God I never really expected that to happen. Am I stupid? Will it be possible to love both men? God I must be crazy.



My mom's first word when I answered my phone at six in the morning, who calls you at six in the morning? Yes my mom.

"Are you still asleep?" Mom asked in her deep Spanish accented tone of voice.

"No mom I'm climbing Mt.Everest..."

"Don't use your sarcasm with me young lady..."

"Mom it's six in the morning what do you want?"

I'm not rude at my mom I love her for goodness' sake but it's six in the morning I slept like four hours making me grumpy. its already two weeks since the Ellen de Generes' show taping. and my life instantly took a back flip I was now practicing my disguise as people everywhere recognized me and can't give me any privacy even at school reporters and paparazzi are everywhere. I can't even have a morning coffee at starbucks.

"Adrianne Marianna Lopez.."

My thoughts came back to reality when mom said my name.. 

You know when your mom calls you in your fullname you know you're screwed.

"Yes mom?" I tried to sound sweet.

"You are one lucky girl!

I rolled my eyes she finally saw the video.

"I never know in my forty four years of existence a man aside from your father will give me these butterflies in my stomach.."

I shook my head. Closing my eyes.

"If you feel like you love him go for it.. I only talked with him over the phone but I know he is a good man Dear..."

"Yes I know mom. But I'm afraid I will break his heart and that's the last thing I want to do..."

"Then don't... You know for someone so smart you can be so idiot sometimes..."

I laughed.

"As the saying goes There's no chance unless you take one. And it's time to see the brighter side of every situation, I'm not pushing you but you know let go of him Dear it's time to let go."

I can imagine my face now. mixed emotions. I don't know what to say and what to feel right now.

"Bueno get your butt out there you have classes te echos de menos hope to see you soon..."

"Yes mom, I missed you too.."

and she hanged up. I put my phone on my chest, letting my mind wander.. It's ten days I haven't seen Pontius they are having shows in Atlanta.

My phone suddenly vibrated sending me back to reality. I slid my fingers to the screen as I read a text message from.. Pontius.

Pontius: A pack your things we are going to Viva España, you're going to see your Mamà..."


Well?... I love you guys like Pontius' Love for A...

COMMENT. The first silent reader who will post a comment with a sense will have a reward... I will dedicate the next chapter... ^_^

PS: Aside from Torches and VRuthardt lol they already are my favorite.

Laters Baby

The Foster Wife (Book 1) Foster The People Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now