Chapter 4

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I dedicate this chapter to @VRuthardt my first reader who gave her comment thank you so much Love Love Love! you made me smile and definitely made my day ^_^


My mouth went dry, my heart sank.. Mark Pontius I mentally slapped my face,scanned my memory did I hear it right? Mark Pontius? It's Markie Bears co band member right?..

The door opened and a brunette nurse stepped in carrying a small tray like with some medicines in it.. She smiled at me "Good evening Ms.Lopez it's time for your oral meds".. she said while handing me three capsules and a glass of water..

I take all of it one at a time and gulp each of it with water.. I smiled at her and gave her the glass.. I wiped my mouth dry and smiled at her..

"So you know who brought me here?" I looked at her and her face brightened..

"Oh you mean Mr.Pontius? of course a huge fan here!".. She exclaimed and smiled oh so brightly.. Oh God..

"Oh kinda obvious that you are.. So what happened when I was still knocked off from this bed.."

"Aw he's such a sweet thing..I know they are all nice, good hearted not to mention how good looking they all are ---but when he brought you here he never left you..even though he left he never stopped calling the hospital asking how was your development and all.. He even cleared your name in the police officers who came investigating the accident"..

her eyes twinkled while telling all of it to me.. my mouth shaped an "O" while hearing all of it..I felt bad I was rude with him a while ago..

"Well.. That's indeed sweet..." was all I said.. I was Lost out of words..

She just smiled "You're lucky".. "and oh" she shoved her hand on.her front pocket and a silver thing came into view "well here's your phone his assistant left it before I went in here" she said while putting the phone in the palm of my handwhile turning her back on me and heading back to the door

and closed it gently.

I sighed loudly.. looking at the silver phone in my hand I slide my finger to unlock it.. my mouth went open my big eyes went bigger upon seeing Pontius' face as the phone's wallpaper I laughed because the picture is Pontius making duck face and his right eye winking.. it vibrated and a caller ID named "My Angel" appeared on the screen I frowned while hitting the answer key..


"It's 9:30 and mi amor is still awake"

I rolled my eyes upom hearing his new pet name for me..

"Por Favor stop calling me that Pontius" I sighed loudly.

"So you're calling me Pontius now, that's nice only few call me that"..

"What do you want? and yah thanks for the phone with a duck face on it"

"Well you're welcome..and wether you like it or not or not from now on before your big eyes will open and before it close to sleep the last thing you will only hear is my voice".. he said in a husky voice..

I was a bit shocked butterflies in my stomach.. what? no! I gathered myself again and sighed dramatically..

"Oh God don't bother your self Pontius.."

I frowned I just can't help it he really know how to irritate and annoy me.. Though I really appreciate what he did for me.

"Don't worry just want to be of service, sleep now mi amor"..

"Oh shut the hell up!--" now I'm pissed I really dont like people calling me that I just don't ok? it's kind of mocking me.

"Can you be more polite?".. he said and exaggerates the sighing part.

The Foster Wife (Book 1) Foster The People Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now