Chapter 9

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Because it's my favorite Reader's Birthday, Let's have it on Mark's POV ok? Happy Birthday

Mark Foster's POV




I just can't get her off my mind!

She's the reason why I hate bullies because I saved her once from them when we were kids, She was teased because she was awfully thin and sickly, By then I became her bestfriend..

I was there when her father left them.

I was there when the Dr. said she has this stupid thing called cancer.

I was there when she fought it with her fragile body..

She was adored by my dad and is like a sister with my little brother..

I swore that I will protect her, I did everything to protect her but guess I did not protected her that much..

The thought of her being dead is like living in a nightmare that I wanted not to wake up..

I endured all the pain that I almost lost hope, When Regine came in, I love her, but I know it's not really that love after all.I learned to love her but I can't compare my love for my Didi..

But sometimes Love is not just enough for two people to be together..

I don't have the heart to hurt Regine she doesn't deserve it, She was there she saw me when I was invisible although she knows I can't love her the way she loves me..

I am not a jealous type of a person but the moment I knew Didi lives with Ponsi.. I just can't bare the thought that Didi might fall for him selfish it is but damn she's still my wife..

I know I hurt her when I told her it's all over for the both of us by that time I know I have given up all my rights on her..

I did not look at Didi in the way I saw her last week, She's so different now I grew used to Didi as Pale,thin and very fragile body, Dark circle in her eyes but what I saw last week was a different Didi a healthy one, she was glowing although she still have some bruises but still she is still gorgeous, her perfect sun kissed skin that compliments her long brown hazel nut hair.. damn she's incomparable.

Looking past in the view of the window inside the bus we are heading to Kowloon Hongkong hour drive..

Cubbie is in my back headphones on music blasting that I can hear it from here.. Fast asleep mouth wide open, and snoring lightly..

Pontius is sitting right beside my sit.. Smiling like an idiot looking at his phone, my jaw clenched when I saw he is looking at Didi's picture fast asleep, She's like an angel sleeping peacefully her beautiful face relaxed..

His phone vibrated and he picked it up immediately..

"Hey there beautiful" I swear to God Pontius' smile went from ear to ear. I pretend not to listen abd looked at the window..

"Yah I missed you so much it hurts"

I know it's Didi calling him, my jaw clenched on the thought of it that Didi might have fallen for him.

"How was your job?"

"Cool huh.."

"I can't wait to see you in a couple more days A, Yah goodnight to you there"..


"Do you still Love her?"

Pontius question caught me off guard. We are sitting at the backstage waiting for the last front act to finish here in Manila.

I glanced at him for a second and sighed drop down my gaze to the floor..

"The answer is always yes, but things are not the same now"

"If you love her there are no reason not to be with her."

He stand up and turned his back to me..

"Don't do things you might regret one day man, she might need and love you now but not for long she will find somebody else"..

"And that person is you?"..

he shrugged. "I'll do anything to be that person I don't mind if she's your wife"

I could have reacted but The front act band finished their last song and the crowds cheer drowned my voice and that's our cue.

My phone vibrated and it was Regine calling I am not on the mood talking but still I picked it up.


"Hey babe whats up you haven't called me over a week what's up with you?"..

I can feel her worry in her voice..

"I'm good just got a little busy and exhausted by this long tour"..

I lied I was just too busy thinking of Didi that I forgot to return all his calls and messages.

"O-ok then see you in a few more days, i love you"

"ok take care, See you"

and I hanged up I don't say I love you to Regine eversince it was part of our truce, I just can't utter those words to her.

Screw it!


I scanned Didi's phone number but went to voice mail..

"I-it's me, meet me at the restaurant your mom and dad first met let's talk again on friday 8pm"..

I snapped the phone shut.. and closed my eyes U have decided.. I choose Didi.. and I hope she chose to be with me too.



it's almost two months already since they had this tour in asia.

it's over two months since Mark talked to me, and I did not bothered him from that night on.

I'm not that kind of woman who will push herself to a man who clearly said does not want me in his life anymore..

In two months time I have figured it out, if a person really loves you there will be no excuses. So if he want to stay out of my life then let it be.

I did my part already and I am satisfied about it that I know I won't regret.

I admit it life is kinda boring without Pontius' bugging me.

He still calls me day and night keeping his promises..

I like him but it's not enough I look at him as a brother, a brother that I never had since I'm an only child.

I moved out in his unit, rented my own apartment and found a new job a guidance counsellor in a district college here.

I declined all those big company's offer to me I really don't need it, I need to go where my heart is and that is to serve without asking for anything in return.

I was in my office when I scanned my mailbox..

"I-it's me, meet me at the restaurant your mom and dad first met let's talk again on friday 8pm"..

My heart skipped a beat upon hearing his voice on the line..

What was he doing?

Why now? That I am starting to have a life without him.


This chapter is a filler, well just to clear some things in Mark's POV. Not that much but again promise the next chapter will be a bang!

-Laters Baby

The Foster Wife (Book 1) Foster The People Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now