Chapter 8

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The smell of Lasagna in the oven overwhelmed the kitchen.. I need to let my stress out or else I will just blow up I need not to think about anything else..

I cooked dinner for Pontius it's the least I can do for him, although he like to annoy me all the time I still can't repay all the goodness he did to me...

I am sitting on the kitchen's counter drawn with my thoughts waiting for the Lasagna to cook for five minutes more, when somebody tapped me on the shoulder..

"Hi there A.. watcha doin'?!"

I was surprised that I almost fell off my sit..

"God! Pontius stop doing that! you will kill me from a heart attack!" I yelled holding my chest as my heart palpitate..

"Jeez A trim down your caffeine intake did not do anything.." Pontius grabbed the sit behind me and sat down..

I rolled my eyes and stand up as the timer of the oven beeped I put on the mittens and opened the oven the aroma of the lasagna was so mouthwatering..

"Wow you can cook?".. Pontius asked amused.

"Obviously yes, Why so surprise?".. I said preparing the plates..

"Well I just thought you don't know anything about household chores.. I thought you only knew how to sit down in a couch and listen to people's whinings.. you know psychologist psychiatrists stuffs"...

I laughed.. well I actuall laughed with his joke this time shaking my head.. and look at him..

"Well.. You will be surprised what I am capable of Pontius".. I glanced at him while plating him his food..

"Here eat.. Eat something more like a food.. I always see you eating that empty sugar coated food with a hole in the middle".. I said pushing him his plate..

"Whoa! What the hell your saying my Heavenly Dunkin Donut is nothing more but a piece of trash?".. he said frowning at me..

"Did not say it's a trash you said that, I said it's an empty food.. and don't argue with me shut up and eat .." I said trying not to laugh..

he shrugged and looked at the food on his plate and then to me..

"What?!".. I asked annoyed this time...

"Are you sure if i will eat this I will survive?" he paused... "You know you're not that evil right to poison me?".. he said trying to hide a grin..

"You!---" I did not finish my sentence and just smacked his head..

"Aw! why did you do that! I'm just asking you could have just said no to me" he said whinning in pain.

"That's what you get for not comlimenting my effort to cook you some healthy food,now eat before I smack you again.. " I said while grinning at him..

Pontius and Mark has so many thinhs in common.. They are all easy to get along and their happy personality is contagious..

Pontius finished his food in a minute and gulping a glass of water.. I got his plate and put it in the sink..

"Uhmm.. A?"..

I paused and glanced at him sideways..

"Yes?".. I answered without looking back I know what he will this all be about..

"I know---" He hesitates for a second and then continued "I know everything about you and Mark"..

My heart sank as I heard his name but never said a word I'm still in the sink pretending to do something, so he continued..

"Even before your mom told me everything.. Well she told me the details when the accident happened the hospital asked about your Identification that's why I lpoked for your ID and I saw many of ot but one caught my attention.. well there's one of your IDs with the surname Foster on it.."... he sighed and stand up walking towards me..

"It sparked my interest and your mom confirmed it all, So there is nothing more to hide.. Please don't be mad A---"

I turned towards him and fake a smile..

"It's ok I understand, I was about to tell you but I'm looking for a good timing.." I looked at him and his eyes are full of concern.

"What did Mark tell you? I know he was just shocked and---"

I gestured him to stop and then.he sighed..

"There's no need for you to defend him Pontius, we talked already and he made it clear that everything about us are nothing more than a piece of paper that stated we are married.. Nothing more."

A tear escaped and I turned my back to him not wanting him to see me like this but he gently grabbed my shoulders and make me face him..

I looked down defeated he lifted my chin and wiped the tears brimming in my eyes..

"I will not say Don't cry or it's ok because I know it's not.."

like a cue I grabbed his shirt and hugged him.. All I want now is someone to lean on and a shoulder to cry on..

We stand there almost like forever me crying and Pontius, well did not say anything and just hugged me back, I free myself from the hug and looked at him.

"Thank you.. I know we just barely know each other but--"

"Pssshhh"..he cut me off placing his finger to my lips..

"A first of all I want to clear everything.. by saying this.. I did not do this because you're Mark's wife or anything.. The moment I laid my eyes on you, I already know you're special"..

I was dumbfounded by Pontius' sudden confession..

"Seeing you in that state, you were like an angel that flew from heaven with a bad landing" he chuckled..

I look at him and smiled rolling my eyes..

"No.. it's true A.. honestly my heart sank by the time your mom confirmed it that you're married to Mark, that bastard did not said anything..." He paused shaking his head and continued..

"That's the reason why Mark did not know your name.. I did not tell him because I'm afraid--- I'm afraid he will take you away from me"..

My mouth opened I was about to say something but thought of it that I shouldn't..

"But I realized I can't keep you from him forever so I decided to take you to the party"

I just nodded letting him continue..

"It's like win or loose.. I know Mark has a girlfriend but damn you're his wife you have a better claim and Mark is a brother to me and I don't want to have a fight with him over you and ended up loosing both of you"..

He paused and looked at me, I just tried to smile at him letting him continue..

"I know I'm like an idiot here confessing that I like you but damn I really do! I annoy you but it's my unique way in saying I like you Adrianne I really do"..

He glanced at me and let out a deep sigh..

"Well..." I paused and licked my lips that went dry.. "I don't know what to say Pontius"..

"You don't have to say anything A, I'm not forcing you or anything and I don't wanna do that.. I'm happy being your friend for now"

"I'm sorry"... Pathetic but it's all that I can say..

"It's allright A, I told you this not to force you but I want to tell you everything before we leave."

I looked at him frowning..

"Where are you going?"

"Well our schedule for our tour in Asia was moved we are leaving on Monday.. It's a 2 months Tour A kinda long"..


yah I know I know it's not a very good chapter but I will try my best in the next one..

-Laters Baby

The Foster Wife (Book 1) Foster The People Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now