Chapter 3

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"Didi marry me".. Mark looked at me in the eye with a ring in his hand not dropping his gaze..

"Mark what are you thinking? I looked around me checking other people in the park looking at us.. we are sitting on a bench our daily routine after our afternoon walk.. " Can you please put that rong back if this is about me dying---

"Oh c'mon Didi can you please don't say a word about you dying.. nobody dies! not on my watch.. I won't let it"

"Mark come on you're not God, only God knows what lies ahead for me"..

I stand up and start to walk Mark followed me silently, Mark's hands are on his jeans face down kicking a pebble.. We stopped in a tiny bridge in a river pond.. I tugged my sweater and embraced myself and let out a sigh..

"You want to marry me? or you feel the need to marry me? I asked looking down at the pond..

"No Didi it's not what you think----

"Mark you don't have any obligations to me, I know you don't Love me not in a Romantic way.." I cut him off not letting him finish..

"I love you Didi,please don't question my intentions to you please"..

Mark holds my shoulders making me face him and gently squeezed it..

"I'm marrying you because that's what I want.. I want you to be happy..and please don't think this is out of piety because---

"Mark".. I protested "I don't know, if mom would permit this and God we're only Eighteen for Goodness' sake!"..

"So What I don't care we are adults now Adrianne what's wrong with that don't over think about the future because we are not yet there.." Mark said tightening his grip on my shoulders..

"God what will I do to you.." I pressed my temples and looked down at my feet.. I sighed in defeat..

"I will ask you one more time Dianne" He tilted his head and lift a finger on my chin making me look at him to his eye..

"Adrianne Marianna Lopez, will you be stupid enough to marry me? he lifted his right eyebrow..

I chuckled..

"God you're an asshole"

"A goodlooking hot sexy asshole, and guess I'll take that as a yes.."

"Ok..ok you win! come on give me that damn ring"..

he looked at me with questioning eyes..

"What are you dumb? you heard me right?"..

"Well no, I guess.. but I thought you don't want it last time I check---"..

"Oh come on cut it off and let me wear it, besides how can we let mom believe us without that teeny tiny proof right?"..

Mark let out a laugh.. "You're really impossible Didi".. shaking his head he slid the ring to my finger

"Well as just what the saying goes, Birds with the same feather, came from the same specie.. So you are no different from me Mark Foster"


My head is throbbing this headache is killing me.. my body is soar, can't move a muscle..

I am thirsty I licked my dry lips that are chapped right now..

I looked around obviously I'm in the hospital right now a woman I pressume a Doctor is checking me out right now.. I'm wearing a white hospital gown my right leg has beem cast and my head is covered with bandage.. I looked at the clock it's 3pm in the afternoon..

"How long I was unconscious? when can I be discharged look I need to contact my mom she must be freaking out right now" I managed to ask the Doctor these questions even it pains me to speak a word my upper abdomen is sore.

"Only 3 days my dear since you dont have any concussions you so you should be out a couple of days as long as your other tests are clear, and don't worry the man who brought you here already informed your mom and she's calling from time to time to check you out and says she will be in LA after 4 days because of bad weather flights are cancelled" She smiled while checking my pulse..


I was about to ask who was the man who brought me in when

the door opened and a young female blond nurse came in..

"Doc there's a call for you"..

"Ok be there in a sec".. she said without looking at the nurse's direction, the nurse closed the door without saying anything..

"Ok Ms.Lopez I'll be back with your results tomorrow for now you may take a rest"..

and then she left the room without waiting for my response..

Who brought me here? God I forgot will I be sued for Reckless Driving?

I'm really stupid thinking about that accident.. I remember coming after 4 days then I becomw worried.. what am I gonna do? I don't know anybody here looking at my casted leg.. My heart begun to sank..

When the door cracked wide open a young blonde slim man entered the room.. He looks familiar I thought I've seen him somewhere but can't remember where..he closed the door and walked towards the hospital bed..

"Hey".. he smiled at me with curious eyes..

"Hey yourself who are you?".. I said in a sarcastic voice..

"That's a nice way to treat the man who practically saved your life in two ways"..

"Oh, look I'm sorry forgive me it must be the general antibiotics they gave me, kicking in".. I said apologetically managing to smile..

"No it's ok we're good, so how are you?".. he sat on the chair beside my bed..

"My body is soar, my head is killing me and I have this one useless leg.. yes I'm fine".. I said smiling at him..

"coming from you in that kind of situation but still manage to have that kind of sarcastic attitude.. couldn't imagine worst if you're in good shape"... he leaned back at the leather chair and crossed his legs..

"Couldn't be any worse and it's my way of thanking you from saving my ass, and I assume it was your car whom I have an almost collision with"...

He nods and just stared at me.. smiling..

"So.. I guess you also saved me from the cops" I lowered my gaze..

he just tilted his head and lowered his gaze to met mine..

"Stop doing that.. you're freaking me out!".. I snapped at him

"Oh the tough girl knows how to freak out huh? why? intimidated by my mere presence huh?"..

"What?".. my face reddened..

"Oh God now you're deaf".. he raised his hand and look his head up the ceiling..

I frowned at him.. "Look thank you for everything you did I'm so not in the mood for chitchat right now,so if you don't mind I need to rest".. I closed my eyes not wanting to see his face..

"Ok Ms.Lopez, Nice meeting you.. be back tomorrow by the way I'm Mark.. Mark Pontius.."

and then he left..

The Foster Wife (Book 1) Foster The People Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now