Chapter 6

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I dedicate this chapter,no not just this chapter but every chapter to those foster kids out there you guys are the most amazing and sweetest thing of all!!! Words can't describe how much thankful I am with my fellow foster kids! You guys rock!

I'm looking at myself in the full length mirror.. The dress fits perfectly hugging my curves.. a purple above the knee and it's strapless by the way, it's sexy but elegant shows off some of my skin seductive but doesn't make me look like a slut.. my waist length hair curled around the end.. I put a little make up I don't over do it because..well as my mom says 'wear much confidence it's the best make up ever'..

I have mixed emotions my stomach tightens as the thought comes in my mind.. I will finally see Mark, after four long years..

It's now or never, I have to face it now.. I'd like to live in a life full of 'been there done that rather than 'what if's'..

I let out a deep sigh and breathing in my stomach relaxing myself I can do this I trust myself well if I don't who else will..

A knock on the door interrupted my thought I know it's Pontius.. I grabbed my pouch and headed to the door I yanked it opened and woah! I was a little bit shocked.. well.. ok. . ok.. stop it. I'm shocked bigtime oh boy, the man look different I looked at him head to foot he is on his White Tuxedo and his hair is combed neatly.. very far from the usual Pontius messy hair ragged jeans V neck shirt.. all right.. all right.. he is hot..

"Are you done yet?".. Pontius asked me raising his right eyebrow with an irritated voice..

"Done what?" I frowned.

"Done checking me out, because you know I'm starving and it's past seven already.. Party will start at eight so come on let's go".. tilting his head.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the room following him suddenly Pontius stopped and turned around gazing at me..

"What?! Something wrong?" I glanced at myself in the mirror on the wall thinking there might be something wrong with me..

"No there's nothing wrong, it's the exact opposite, I saw something I like"..

O God here he goes again.. I was about to react when Pontius stepped closer to me and held my chin making me look at him.. I was shocked by his action that I have no time to react when he leaned and kissed me in the right cheek, that send shiver down to my spine..

"There that's your reward for being so perfect tonight".. I was stunned by what he did he just smiled and grabbed my hand..


I was still shocked that he kissed me, although it's just on the cheek but still boy.. Pontius' mere smuck made me shiver..

"If I only knew a little bit earlier that a kiss on the cheek can make your mouth shut I should have done it much earlier"... glancing at me and then at the road grinning.

"Oh shut up Pontius it takes more than that for me to shut up.. I'm orally fixated so deal with it".. Rolling my eyes on him.

"Say whatever you like A.."

"I forgot to ask whose party are we going?" changing the subject.

"Oh I forgot to say it's Regine's Birthday.. Mark's girlfriend.."


Have you been in a situation that you come to the point in your life that you hoped the ground will just swallow you? Oh dear God I know I don't keep the sabbath day holy but if I can make it alive after this I will be a good girl..

The Foster Wife (Book 1) Foster The People Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now